Sandia National Laboratories
Wind Energy
Program Activities
Reliability Database
   & System Analysis

Large Turbine Technology:
   Wind Turbine Blade

Integration Technology
   Assessment & Support

SNL Wind Farm Project
Online Abstracts and

Composite Material
   Fatigue Database

NuMAD (Numerical
    And Design Tool)

Wind Energy Related Links
Wind Energy Basics
Wind Energy Resources
Research Laboratories
Sandia National
2008 Blade Workshop
2007 Reliability Workshop
2006 Reliability Workshop
2006 Blade Workshop
2004 Blade Workshop
In The News
DOE Awards Wind
   Research Grants

Wind Research MOU

SNL/KAFB Wind Farm
2005 Presidential Visit
   Acquisition System

New Wind Turbine
   Blade Design

More Energy with
   Less Weight

Past Research
VAWT Technology


Reliability Database and System Analysis

In order for wind generated energy to reach high penetration levels in the electrical market, continued confidence in the quality, durability, and reliability of wind turbines throughout the fleet is imperative. SNL's reliability effort aims to ensure high fleet operating performance levels, judged both by energy delivery and low operating costs. This task will measure, analyze, document and publish current and future turbine and wind farm availability, as well as target potential reliability issues as early as possible. To accomplish this, the program has initiated a national reliability database, which will be used to gather and store wind farm operations data. This data will be analyzed and baseline statistics on the reliability of the fleet will be reported. The program will use these analyses to initiate technology improvement projects where critical reliability issues are discovered. Manufacturers are key stakeholders and will be invited to participate in addition to wind plant owners and operators. Building from the Sandia-sponsored public Wind Turbine Reliability Workshops of the past two years, Sandia will continue to build partnerships across the industry and facilitate information exchange to bridge the gaps between operators, developers, turbine suppliers and component vendors.

   Photo of the Month
          (click to enlarge) Photo of the Month
Taiban Mesa, NM

Wind Energy Technology Webmaster
Sam Gershin

Page Updated:
October 15, 2008