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photo of Rod Whitney

Sandian Rod Whitney recently received the President’s Volunteer Service Award… read more.

Photo of  Sandia Director, Pat Smith, presenting an award at the 2008 Math and Science Awards Banquet hosted by Sandia

Sandia/California recognizes 20 outstanding female high school students at the 18th Annual Math & Science Awards Ceremony… read more.

Community Service

Sandia’s overarching goal is to provide exceptional service in the national interest. We endeavor to be America’s laboratory of choice in critical missions such as national defense and homeland security, providing solutions to the most challenging issues our country faces.

Sandia employee volunteers at a local elementary school's computer lab

We bring this same dedication and expertise to our efforts in community and civic relations. We believe that providing exceptional service locally means that we will be an exemplary corporate citizen, participating in the events and activities of our communities; having a presence that inspires our current, retired, and prospective workforce; and providing leadership and support for community aspirations.

To this end, we are committed to serving our communities by conducting focused community and civic efforts, sharing our resources, and providing our communities with the energy and talents of the best and the brightest people America has to offer.

Our Community Relations Program

To maximize our contributions to local community and civic institutions, Sandia/California has developed a strategic and thoughtful program for community relations that includes the following seven components:

Sandia/California has an active presence at every level of our communities, from sponsoring events that encourage students to learn about math and science to providing leadership for local organizations to raising money to donate to those in need.

Helping Those in Need

Sandia is committed to helping those in need. Our SHARE (Sandia Helps And Reaches Everyone) program makes it convenient and simple for Sandia employees to contribute to charitable agencies through payroll deductions. These agencies serve communities all over the greater Bay Area and San Joaquin Valley, so Sandians can easily reach out and assist people in the communities where they live.

The collective giving of Sandia employees has an extraordinary impact. In 2006, Sandia/California employees contributed more than $230,000 to local communities through workplace contributions. These funds were distributed to approximately 150 agencies that directly support individuals in the communities in which Sandia employees live.

Visit the 2009 SHARE Campaign website to learn more and make a donation.

Sandia also sponsors an annual Holiday Spirit campaign. The campaign offers short-term assistance during the holiday season when the number of people needing help increases. Sandians, contractors, families, and friends are all welcome to participate. We donate money, nonperishable food, and other items that are needed by local agencies. Volunteers also help sort, pack, and deliver the donations. Holiday Spirit donations support agencies in the East Bay, Tri-Valley, and San Joaquin Valley.

Promoting Math and Science Education

Students  performing a science experiment at a Family Science Night

Sandia staff members visit local classrooms to host Family Science Nights.

As a premier science and engineering laboratory, Sandia is deeply aware of our responsibilities to share scientific resources with the community and to encourage students to develop their interests in math and science. To this end, Sandia staff members visit local classrooms to host Family Science Nights (pictured to the right). Sandia also sponsors events for young scientists, such as the Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair, regional “science bowls” for area students, and annual Expanding Your Horizons workshops for girls.

Providing Community Leadership and Support

We encourage our staff to contribute their talents to civic institutions throughout our communities. For example, Sandians sit on the boards of directors for several local organizations, including the Las Positas College Foundation, the Tri-Valley Business Council, the Contra Costa Council, and the Livermore Chamber of Commerce. Sandia/California also honors the achievements of local residents and businesses. We helped found the Livermore Valley Educational Foundation’s “Teacher of the Year” award, and we are a platinum sponsor of the Livermore Chamber of Commerce.

Administering Corporate Contributions

Sandia/California administers $40,000 annually through Lockheed Martin’s Gifts and Grants program. Sixty percent of the gifts and grants are given to math and science students in communities where Sandians live and work.

The main areas of funding interest are as follows: