Bibliographic Citation

Interception and modification of network authentication packets with the purpose of allowing alternative authentication modes
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US patent application 10/345,265
Kent, Alexander Dale (Los Alamos, NM)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM
United States Department of Energy
The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy (Washington, DC)
Methods and systems in a data/computer network for authenticating identifying data transmitted from a client to a server through use of a gateway interface system which are communicately coupled to each other are disclosed. An authentication packet transmitted from a client to a server of the data network is intercepted by the interface, wherein the authentication packet is encrypted with a one-time password for transmission from the client to the server. The one-time password associated with the authentication packet can be verified utilizing a one-time password token system. The authentication packet can then be modified for acceptance by the server, wherein the response packet generated by the server is thereafter intercepted, verified and modified for transmission back to the client in a similar but reverse process.
