Who We Are
Division of Research Programs

Interns in the Division of Research Programs work on projects consistent with the scholarly mission of the Division. Prior interns have examined such things as emerging trends in a particular field or possible ways to classify institutions that support research. All interns in the Division will work as part of a team of other NEH staff members on the national competition for NEH Fellowships. This could include taking notes at panel meetings across several humanities disciplines, processing the results of those meetings, and working with the program to produce a state of recommended Fellows. The intern would also perform some routine clerical and statistical work. Traditionally, interns in the Division of Research have been given the opportunity to accompany staff members on visits to locally funded projects.

Through the Division of Research Programs, the NEH supports the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the humanities through programs designed to support institutional collaborative projects as well as projects being pursued by individual scholars. Division grants support projects to produce scholarly editions, translations, and other basic research; archaeological work; and interpretive scholarship in all fields of the humanities. The Division is also deeply involved in the NEH Digital Humanities Initiative, encouraging scholars to use digital tools to enhance scholarship.

We'd prefer an intern for a ten week period during the months of June and July and August. We can be flexible as to schedule, but the intern must be available for 32-35 hours per week.

Rising juniors, seniors, or graduate students in the humanities are encouraged to apply. Demonstrated writing skills and basic computer skills are required; familiarity with humanities computing and internet research tools preferred.


Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating where in the NEH you wish consideration for an internship and the time period for which you are available (including the number of hours/days of the week if you will not be available for a full-time work schedule). A writing sample and copy of your transcript, if applying for a student internship, is requested but not required. Also, for student applicants from colleges or universities that grant academic credit for internships, please indicate if you are seeking an internship for academic credit.

Contact: Russell Wyland
Division of Research Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Rm 318
Washington, DC 20506
202 606-8391 or rwyland@neh.gov

Please allow at least four to six weeks prior to the date you wish to intern to allow proper consideration of your application.

If you have any questions, please call the NEH Office of Human Resources Volunteer/Intern Coordinator at 202 606-8415. We look forward to hearing from you.

National Endowment for the Humanities is an equal opportunity employer. We maintain a year-round internship program.