Who We Are
Federal/State Partnership

Federal /State Partnership serves as the liaison between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the nonprofit network of 56 state and jurisdictional humanities councils. Through the NEH Federal/State Partnership, councils receive annual grants made in accordance with the legislated funding formula, develop and carry out programs at the local level. The partnership of NEH and the state humanities councils is specifically designed to help the Endowment realize its strategic goal of increasing public awareness of, access to, and participation in the humanities.

The intern would perform one or more of the following projects:

  • Review submissions of Compliance Plan Reports from 56 Councils, due June 1, 2007; draft responses; review responses, and follow-up as needed. He or she would analyze and compile statistics and prepare a report for the July meeting of the Federal/State Committee on the National Council.
  • Review and organize 30 boxes of historical materials. Work with program staff to return materials to state humanities councils, as appropriate, or maintain in Federal/State Partnership.
  • Prepare Summaries of all FY 2007 We the People projects; compile statistics with preliminary analysis; review selected interim and final narrative reports for preliminary assessment; prepare calendar of events for 2007 and 2008; and prepare a report for the July meeting of the National Council Federal/State Committee.
  • Overhaul descriptions of state humanities councils for the Federal /State Partnership website and enter other updates and new materials as needed.

The ideal intern will have excellent writing ability and very good computer skills (Word, some Access and Excel, Web site skills). A third or fourth year undergraduate or graduate student in the Humanities is preferred.


Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating where in the NEH you wish consideration for an internship and the time period for which you are available (including the number of hours/days of the week if you will not be available for a full-time work schedule). A writing sample and copy of your transcript, if applying for a student internship, is requested but not required. Also, for student applicants from colleges or universities that grant academic credit for internships, please indicate if you are seeking an internship for academic credit.

Contact: Edythe Manza, Director
Federal/State Partnership, Room 603
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20506
202-606-8254 or fedstate@neh.gov

Please allow at least four to six weeks prior to the date you wish to intern to allow proper consideration of your application.

If you have any questions, please call the NEH Office of Human Resources Volunteer/Intern Coordinator at 202 606-8415. We look forward to hearing from you.

National Endowment for the Humanities is an equal opportunity employer. We maintain a year-round internship program.