Summer Seminars and Institutes
What are the most important elements of an application to direct an NEH summer seminar or institute?
The most important elements are the specific humanities content of the project: the significance of the subject; the topics, questions, and readings that form the core of the intellectual conversation; and the qualifications of the humanities faculty who lead the project.
Does my institution need a grant writer to prepare an application?
Are program officers available through phone or e-mail to answer questions?
Yes. Applicants are encouraged to discuss applications with a program officer prior to their submission. Staff will also look at drafts of proposals and share samples of previously funded projects. Call 202-606-8463 or e-mail
May I propose a seminar or institute to instruct humanities faculty in the use of Internet technology in teaching their subject?
NEH encourages the use of technology in teaching, and summer seminars and institutes often include an introduction to such resources. However, NEH does not support projects that concentrate solely on educational or instructional methods.
I see that some NEH seminars and institutes are held outside the United States. Does this mean that non-U.S. institutions may apply to conduct a seminar or institute?
No. Only U.S.-based non-profit tax-exempt institutions may apply for these grants. Seminars or institutes, however, may be held abroad if the location enhances the study of the subject.
If I hold an institute abroad, may I include my travel and living expenses while I am abroad in the project budget?
I am an independent scholar. May I apply to direct an NEH summer seminar or institute?
Individuals are not eligible to apply to this program. Only nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations and state, local, and tribal governments are eligible applicants. You would be eligible to direct a seminar or institute only if an eligible applicant agreed to sponsor the project and submit an application to NEH.
My institution would not be an appropriate site for a seminar but the college across town would be. Would I be permitted to hold my seminar there, and if so, how would that work out administratively?
Yes, you may hold your seminar at a different institution. You may apply through your home institution and subcontract for housing at the other institution or you could have the other institution serve as the applicant institution. Contact a program officer for further details.
Would it be permissible to co-direct an institute with a colleague who is not on the faculty of my university, which will serve as the host institution?
Yes. You may share the responsibilities of directing an institute or seminar project with another colleague, whether or not this person is employed by the sponsoring institution. In this situation, both you and the co-director (whom we generally define as any other scholar who shares the directorial responsibilities for the full period of the project itself) would receive 80 percent of the compensation formula set forth in the guidelines.
Should I include an on-site assistant in my project budget?
May non-U.S. citizens participate in my seminar or institute?
Only foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years prior to the application deadline are eligible to participate in NEH seminars or institutes. Foreign nationals teaching abroad are not eligible, although occasionally such persons might be included on the staff of a seminar or institute if they bring unique and important expertise to the endeavor.
May a non-U.S. citizen serve as a project director or a visiting lecturer in an NEH seminar or institute?
Are home-schooling parents eligible to participate in my seminar or institute?
When should seminars and institutes be held?
NEH recommends that school teacher seminars and institutes begin no earlier than the end of June. Since many schools do not finish for the year until late June, it is best not to set the start date so early that it reduces your applicant pool. For college and university teachers, NEH recommends starting in mid-June at the earliest.
I’d like to hold a welcoming reception for the participants in my seminar. May I pay for this out of grant funds?
No. Sometimes a project director’s academic department or the dean's office will donate funds for such events, but NEH grant funds may not be used for social events.
May I include an external evaluator in my project budget?
I just found out that my institution is planning on submitting two applications to the seminars and institutes program this year. Will only one be funded?
Not necessarily. NEH might fund both applications, only one, or neither.
My institution applied for a grant last year and was unsuccessful. Will this be held against us if we apply again this year?
No. NEH regards all applications as new applications.
Is there anything I can do to increase my chances for success next time?
You may request copies of the panelists’ comments in writing or by e-mail, and you may also speak with a program officer.
How long do I have to wait to hear about the outcome of my application?
Applicants will be notified by letter in September 2009.