Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Humanities Fellowships

The questions are grouped into two categories: preparing an application and using the online application system.

Preparing an Application

I am an American citizen teaching at a foreign university. Am I eligible to apply for a Digital Humanities (DH) Fellowship?

Yes. American citizens are eligible to apply regardless of current residency.

I am a graduate student. May I apply for a Digital Humanities Fellowship?

No, you must complete your degree first. If you have successfully defended your dissertation and are waiting for your degree to be conferred, however, you are eligible to apply. In that case, you should submit a letter from the dean or your department chairman stating that you have completed all the requirements for the Ph.D.

I am planning on entering graduate school in January. May I use a DH Fellowship to fund my course work?


I don't have a Ph.D., but I am a professional writer and have published many articles. What are my chances of winning a DH Fellowship?

Your chances are the same as any other applicant's. Each year independent scholars do receive Fellowships. While you do not need an advanced degree, you should present evidence in your résumé of your ability to carry out the proposed project, such as publications, presentations, and other relevant experiences.

Will NEH staff read a draft of my proposal and offer advice?

We are not able to comment on drafts because of the large number of applications.

What help is available for first-time applicants?

NEH staff will answer specific questions about preparing your proposal and your eligibility. They may be reached at 202-606-8200 and

What should I include in the bibliography?

List primary and secondary sources that relate directly to your project. The list should include works that pertain to the substance of the project and to its theoretical or methodological approach. Titles cited in the application narrative need not be duplicated in the bibliography.

May I send additional material with my application?

No additional material may be submitted except for the samples requested for translations, editions, or database projects. Additional materials will not be shown to the reviewers.

Whom should I ask for reference letters?

Ask scholars or individuals who are familiar with your work, particularly your recent scholarship. The scholars can be affiliated with your own institution, but it is generally advisable to have at least one outside scholar. Your dissertation director or committee members can also write letters, but it is beneficial to ask at least one scholar who is not your former professor.

My project is interdisciplinary. May I submit three letters of reference from scholars in three separate fields?

No. Each proposal is allowed only two letters.

What feedback can I receive after the competition is complete?

NEH can provide the written comments made by the reviewers as well as an overview of the competition. Once you receive notification of NEH's decision on your application, you may request these comments by e-mail at

How do I determine the number of my congressional district?

To determine your congressional district, visit the House of Representatives Web site at and use the “Find Your Representative” tool.

If you do not have a congressional district (e.g. you live in a state or U.S. territory that does not have districts or you reside in a foreign country), put a "0" (zero).

I live outside the United States. How do I enter a foreign telephone number?

Please enter your phone number beginning with the United States' IDD Prefix, which is 011. So, for example: "011 - country code - city code - number."

If I win a DH Fellowship, may I combine it with other awards for the same project?

You may not combine your DH Fellowship with other major awards (those awards over $10,000). Small research awards and sabbatical leaves, however, are permissible.


Why can't I open the files I downloaded from

To open files, you must download to your computer a small piece of software called the PureEdge Viewer. See step two of the instructions for details about how to download the free PureEdge Viewer.

I am using a Mac to submit my application. Will the PureEdge Viewer work with a Mac?

Yes. offers three different versions of the PureEdge Viewer to accommodate PC and Mac users. Use one of these three links to download the correct version of the PureEdge Viewer to your computer:
° Download PureEdge for a PC
° Download PureEdge for a Mac with an Intel processor
° Download PureEdge for a Mac with a PPC processor

Will I be able to start my application and come back to it later to continue it?

Yes. The PureEdge software allows you to save the component parts on your computer. You work with those files until you submit your application through no later than the May 1, 2007, deadline.

Is there technical help for me if I need it?

For help with the registration process or submitting your application, contact at 1-800-518-4726. The help desk hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern Time. You may also send the help desk an e-mail message at NEH staff can answer questions related to the DH Fellowships program at 202-606-8200 or

How do I know if I have submitted my application successfully?

When you have successfully submitted your application, will confirm your submission with a screen that provides vital information about your application, including your number and the date and time of your submission. Print this confirmation page for your records. When your application has been successfully validated by, you will receive an e-mail telling you so (this usually occurs within minutes, but depending on system usage, it might take up to one day). will also send you e-mail messages after NEH has successfully downloaded your application into our computer system and, again, when we have assigned your application a NEH tracking number.

What is the best way to prepare my application?

We recommend that you prepare your application in a word processing program and convert your work to the required Adobe Acrobat format. (See "How to convert documents into PDFs.")

I have downloaded the NEH Supplemental Information for Individuals Form, but I can’t save it or the information I enters disappears. What should I do?

You are probably using an older version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader that does not support the form. To download the free upgrade, visit

I am having a hard time meeting the page limits. May I "cheat" a little and include additional pages?

No. Applications that exceed the page limits may be declared ineligible or truncated by the computer to conform to the page limit.

What formatting issues should I be aware of?

Because your application will be submitted in PDF format, you may use special formatting such as italics, underlining, "curly quotes," and foreign character sets as appropriate.

What should I tell my reference letter writers to expect from the online system?

Once the Endowment has downloaded your application from and issued it a log number, NEH will automatically send an e-mail message to each of your referees. The message contains instructions for submitting their letters online.

It is your responsibility to discuss your project with your referees ahead of time and ensure that each referee has all necessary information to write a useful letter. NEH will not provide referees with copies of applications.

All letters must be submitted not later than June 6, 2007.

My letter writer is unable to submit a letter online. Should I find another referee?

NEH strongly encourages referees to submit their letters using the online system. If, however, a referee cannot submit a letter online, he or she can e-mail the letter to or fax it to 202-606-8204.

How will I know if my letter writers have done their work?

When one of your referees submits a letter, you and the referee will each receive an e-mail notification that the letter has been successfully submitted.

How will I be notified of the results of the competition?

Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by letter or e-mail in early December 2007.

It is not possible for me to submit my application electronically. How do I apply for a Fellowship or a Faculty Research Award?

To obtain instructions for submitting a paper application, call 202-606-8200.