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Horticulture | Georgia Master Gardener

Agents & Coordinators




Use the links below for quick reference. More detailed information may be found in the Master Gardener Administrative Manual.



The Master Gardener Badge is intended only to be worn by an Active Master Gardener or Master Gardener Intern. The Master Gardener Badge is the identification symbol for a well-trained volunteer and should only be worn in a volunteer capacity. One badge is included with the purchase of the Master Gardener Handbook for training program participants only.

Badges, Replacement

Replacement badges may be ordered through the County Extension Office only. Cost is $7.00. Make checks payable to UGA CES and include name as it should be spelled on the badge. Effective November 13, 2006 regular badges are only available in the new logo style and due to space limitations will be engraved with Master Gardener's name only.

Badges, Lifetime

Agents may order Lifetime badges for qualifying Master Gardeners. There is no charge for a Lifetime badge or replacement Lifetime badge.


To become a Certified Master Gardener in Georgia, interns must successfully complete the Master Gardener Training Program administered by UGA Cooperative Extension and fulfill a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service within the first year. Blank certificates are ordered through the State Master Gardener Program office.


Grounds for dismissal of a Master Gardener may include but are not limited to: being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while performing volunteer assignment; theft of property; misuse of funds, equipment or materials; illegal, violent or unsafe acts; inappropriate use of the Master Gardener Title or Badge and abuse/mistreatment of clients or co-workers.

According to the Volunteer Agreement Form that all MG volunteers must sign, it states that both UGA and the volunteer have the right to end the volunteer relationship at any time for any reason, and without advance notice. Except in cases of egregious actions by the volunteer, the MG Coordinator should always notify the SMGPC and their District Extension Director before terminating a volunteer.


The Master Gardener Handbook, Sixth Edition is the official reference text produced by the University of Georgia and developed for Master Gardener training. Handbooks are available for purchase only through the State MG Program office. Prices include tax and shipping. The sixth edition published in 2004 is currently available at $60 per copy. For training program participants, handbook price includes badge and certificate.

Lifetime Service Recognition

Lifetime MG recognition is awarded to Certified Master Gardeners who have remained active for 10 years. Georgia Master Gardeners who have received Lifetime recognition are still obligated to report 25 hours of service annually to remain in an active status

Georgia Master Gardener Reaching Out and logo are registered trademarks of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and may not be used except as authorized by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension.

UGA Master Gardener Program LOGO

Master Gardener Day

Master Gardener Day in Georgia is typically held the third Saturday in March. Typical celebration activities include proclamations, plant clinics and other community education activities.

Master Gardener Listserves

Two Master Gardener listserves are available to Master Gardeners and agents. The primary list is the Announcement List and only the listowners can send out messages through this list. To request an announcement posting on this list, send information to Please limit local group announcements to invitations for other MG's or the public to attend a special speaker or event. Please don't send announcements promoting businesses. Attachments are not permitted, so be sure that information can be pasted in the body of the e-mail or that you have included a link to a website where the attachments can be found. Indicate contact information clearly- address, phone, e-mail and include fees, dates, times, locations, etc. Please be timely with the information- don't ask us to send it too far in advance or too often- recipients will tune it out after a few times. To subscribe to receive the announcements send an e-mail message with the following command in the body to subscribe gamgardener-L first name last name replacing the words first name and last name with your own.

The second list is a Discussion List for Master Gardeners only. On this list Master Gardeners may subscribe, post and reply to others' posts. To subscribe, Master Gardeners must send an e-mail with name, MG course class year, and e-mail address to


After the initial 50-hour service requirement, a minimum of 25 hours of approved service per year is required to maintain active status as a Georgia Master Gardener. Submission of an Individual Annual Summary of Master Gardener Activities will verify completion of yearly requirements.

Transfer Policy

Master Gardeners transferring to Georgia must show proof of MG status from a previous state. Acceptable forms of proof are Master Gardener Certificate, or letter from fomer County Extension Agent. Transferring Master Gardeners should purchase the current Georgia Master Gardener Handbook and new name badge.

In addition, transferring individuals should audit 4-6 Master Gardener classes as determined by the local county agent. Agents may require transfers to take and pass the midterm and final exam as an open book test. Upon completion of the above and 25 hours of volunteer service, agents may present a Georgia Master Gardener Certificate.

Transfers must continue to volunteer 25 hours of service each year to stay certified.

Volunteer Selection and Screening

The determining factors in the selection of a volunteer should include a willingness to assist the Cooperative Extension Service outreach programs, previous volunteer experience, desire to participate in community projects, and time availability. The Cooperative Extension Agent should first define the criteria to be used in the screening and selecting of candidates according to the guidelines as set forth within the Georgia Master Gardener Program Administrative Manual. The screening process may include review of application as well as CEA approved interviews with the assistance of staff and/or certified MG's. The CEA is responsible for the final selection of candidates. Any applicant from a non-participating county should obtain staff pre-approval from his/her county of origin in order to be considered for selection.

Volunteer Service Guidelines

The general mission of the Master Gardener Program in Georgia is to assist the Cooperative Extension Service in providing unbiased information through volunteer service and educational projects. The volunteer requirements should reflect the mission goals and align with local Plan of Work activities. Qualifying Service Guidelines

Volunteer Service Recordkeeping

Currently, the State Master Gardener Program office is working to create a unique online recordkeeping system for volunteer service. Until that system is complete, Master Gardeners should use the printed Logbooks and Individual Summary of Activity Forms to record service. County Master Gardener Coordinators should collect individual summary forms and compile data into one County Annual Summary Report due to the State Master Gardener Program office by January 20th of each year.



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