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LANL  Goals & Plans


Michael Anastasio
Director's Office

Photo of Michael Anastasio

Laboratory Director


"Being the premier national security science laboratory requires unparalleled science and engineering through excellence in leadership, innovation, and operations."

Michael R. Anastasio
Laboratory Director

Director's Message


We're Creating Our Future

An exciting future is one that we create for ourselves, not one that others impose on us.

Recently, I introduced our 12 goals, which present new opportunities for us at Los Alamos to create our future and help encourage new perspectives from those outside the Laboratory.

Each of these 12 goals bolsters our ability to apply our outstanding science, engineering, and technology to national security. The goals are our institutional priorities—they have my and the leadership team's full attention, but it takes all of us at the Laboratory to achieve them successfully.

As we make demonstrable progress on each of these goals, using detailed commitments associated with each goal to help provide focus, we will show one another, our customers, and the public at large that we're moving in the right direction, that our future starts now.

One of our goals is to communicate effectively. Communication permeates almost every thing we do here at the Laboratory.

To communicate our new Goals effort, we have created an interactive website for goals and commitments, similar to last year's site for the transition from UC to LANS management.

The site will provide updated information on the various goals-related efforts taking place, as well as a forum for you to ask questions and provide input and ideas.

Our goals and commitments, along with our incredible workforce, represent the future of this Laboratory. Yes, there is a future at Los Alamos National Laboratory...and we're creating it.

Michael R. Anastasio, Laboratory Director

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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