National School IPM

Pest Press Newsletter

To create your own personalized newsletter, open the MS Word (.doc) version of the newsletter and cut and paste the pest information. You may add personalized information and logos to create your own Pest Press newsletter. If you would like to use the newsletter in its current form, simply open and print the .pdf version.

The Pest Press newsletters listed by region.

The topic list from the Southeastern US are provided by the University of Florida. If you use this information, please credit the University of Florida IFAS.

Pest Press newsletters are also available in .pdf form from The University of Arizona. The pest issues in the Arizona newsletters represent pests and pest related issues found in the Southwestern US.


Southeastern US Topics:

Southwestern US Topics:

  • Indoor Plant Pests - .pdf
  • Bed Bugs - .pdf
  • Diotomaceous Earth - .pdf
  • Recluse Spiders - .pdf
  • West Nile Virus - .pdf
  • Head Lice - .pdf
  • IPM Testimonial - .pdf
  • Pest Proofing - .pdf
  • Pest Vulnerable Areas - .pdf
  • Pesticide Myths - .pdf

Other Arizona newsletters available at:

Texas Newsletters - Southwest Technical Resource Center for IPM in Schools -



Florida School IPM

Staff and Partners
National Listserv

What is IPM?

Information for Parents
Information for Administrators
Information for Faculty and Staff
Information for Pest Managers

National School IPM Toolbox

Teacher’s Resources

Your IPM Program

Pest Vulnerable Areas
Notification Forms
Sample Letters
Sample Contracts
Sample Presentations
Newsletters (Pest Press)
Reference Books and Manuals
Certification - IPM Star Information

Common Pests

Treatment Strategies

Regulatory Information
