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Graphic Header: Departments at CAES


About CAES Departments

The ten disciplinary departments are responsible for developing the core instruction, research and extension programming for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Departments are headquartered on the Athens campus but also have representation on the Griffin and Tifton campuses and other facilities located across the State of Georgia.

Secondary Organizations

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences considers all centers, facilities, institutes, teams and workgroups as secondary organizations. View a complete listing at About CAES : Secondary Organizations.

Official Centers and Institutes at the University of Georiga are ones that have been proposed and approved through the University Council and Board of Regents policies. View a complete listing of Official Centers and Institutes at UGA (pdf).

Official University of Georgia Centers

A center provides an organizational base for research and a structure for extramural funding. A center is not an autonomous structure and is not involved in independently offering credit courses or degree programs.

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has six official UGA centers.

Official University of Georgia Institutes

An institute shares a center's focus but has a more formalized structure, may be an autonomous unit, and will offer credit courses and possibly degree programs.

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has one official UGA institute.

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)