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Mountian biking.
We understand the importance of balancing life between family, work, recreation, and rest.


Sandia National Laboratories offers a robust benefits package* that goes well beyond what most companies offer. Sure, we have a great 401(k) program, lots of vacation, and great dental, vision, medical and retirement plans. But we have so much more. We offer the things that everyone really wants in a job. Our unique culture encourages work-life balance, multiple career opportunities, challenging and rewarding work, and the opportunity to work with our nation's best and brightest minds in first-class facilities found nowhere else in the world. We call it Total Rewards because it covers so many bases. Explore the Total Rewards of working at Sandia National Laboratories:

* The full suite of benefits available to Regular Employees is described on these pages. Temporary Employees may not be eligible for all of the benefits described.