Sandia National Laboratories

Telemetry and Instrumentation at Sandia

Our work is the gathering of information from remote inaccessible locations like flight test bodies such as satellites, space reentry vehicles, aircraft carried bombs, and earth penetrators.

We assist our customers in acquiring, processing, protecting, transmitting, receiving, and displaying scientific and engineering data using sensor-based information systems. We design, build, and field one-of-a-kind systems consisting of instrumentation, communication, and signal processing equipment to perform these tasks. This work is done at both our California and New Mexico sites.

Some of our key project areas are:

  1. Space Reentry Vehicle Instrumentation
  2. Satellite Communications
  3. High Shock Earth Penetrator Instrumentation
  4. Special Instrumentation



John Vonderheide  

Related Links:
Back to Telemetry Home Page

Space Reentry Vehicle Instrumentation

Satellite Communications

High Shock Earth Penetrator Instrumentation

Special Instrumentation