Sandia National Laboratories

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WasteWise Partner
since 1997


The Pollution Prevention (P2) program is a central element in the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Environmental Safety and Health (ES&H) programs in California and New Mexico. The P2 program at SNL applies to all activities that use resources and generate waste. P2 provides programmatic guidance and specifies strategies, activities, and methods to reduce the quantity and toxicity of waste and pollutants, conserve energy and resources, and purchase environmentally preferable products.

Each year, the P2 team reviews and updates a program plan to outline activities and objectives for the coming fiscal year.  It is the annual P2 Plan.

P2 Guide Logo

Pollution Prevention Guide
A general look at what P2 is.

Table of Contents

P2 GLobe

P2 Coordinators

Laurie Farren (CA)
(925) 294-2573

Janet Harris (CA)
(925) 294-3803

Ralph Wrons, PE (NM)
(505) 844-0601