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Home > Working with the CRF > Visitor Program

Visitor Program

The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) hosts more than 100 visiting researchers every year from around the world. They include postdocs, university faculty and graduate students, high school teachers, industrial collaborators, and national laboratory and government researchers. Some CRF users have been returning to the CRF periodically to conduct research for more than 20 years.

These researchers, who may work at the CRF for periods of weeks to years, have access to its unique optical diagnostics capabilities and its expert staff, which includes scientific and engineering experimentalists and theorists as well as supporting technologists and administrative employees.

Key to CRF Mission
The involvement of visiting researchers from the scientific community is a key aspect of the CRF's mission. The CRF is a scientific collaborative research facility sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences. These collaborative research facilities serve researchers from universities, industry, and national laboratories, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge that typically cannot be obtained by any other means.

Working side-by-side with Sandia staff members, visiting researchers develop new research methods and approaches and conduct experiments exploiting the unique facilities and techniques at the CRF. The program also benefits the CRF through "cross fertilization." Visiting researchers bring with them developments and unique knowledge from their home institutions that stimulate progress and bring new approaches to CRF projects.

Becoming a Visiting Researcher
Potential users of the CRF are encouraged to review the CRF's research programs and contact the manager of the technical area in which they propose to collaborate. Lisa Gray, the visitor program administrator, can also assist you:

Lisa Gray