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Labs Accomplishments 2006

Labs Accomplishments 2008| PDF — 1.7 Mb Adobe Acrobat file

Accomplishments for the 2008 fiscal year in the diverse range of engineering and scientific disciplines in which Sandia National Laboratories provides exceptional service in the national interest. Accomplishments included focus on areas in: Computing/information sciences; energy; engineering sciences; ES&H/security; global security; homeland security; HR, finance, and legal; infrastructure protection; IT, networks, and facilities; management; materials; military programs; microelectronics and microsystems; nuclear weapons engineering; nuclear weapons security; product realization; partnerships and alliances; pulsed power; remote sensing; supply chain; and other areas.

Labs Accomplishments from Past Years

Each document highlights the accomplishments of one fiscal year, beginning on Oct. 1 and ending on Sept. 30.

Labs Accomplishments 2007 | PDF — 1.2MB

Labs Accomplishments 2006 | PDF — 1.5MB

Labs Accomplishments 2005 | PDF — 1.5MB

Labs Accomplishments 2004 | PDF — 1.5MB

Labs Accomplishments 2003 | PDF — 2.13MB

Labs Accomplishments 2002 | PDF — 666 KB

Labs Accomplishments 2001 | PDF — 554 KB

Labs Accomplishments 2000

Labs Accomplishments 1999