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Supply chain

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Sandia’s Supply Chain Management Center had outstanding results in the FY07 wall-to-wall physical inventory. This inventory adhered to the industry standard find rate (98 percent), increased the accountable equipment threshold value ($7,500), and removed items from inventoried status if the net book value (cost minus depreciation) equaled $0 (18,197 fewer items). The cost savings and cost avoidance totaled almost $1 million. Similar cost avoidances are expected annually. (10200) IES

The Supply Chain and Materials Management Council Project is a pioneering, inclusive communication and improvement process for ensuring that supply chain services contribute to mission success. It starts with supply chain data collection and analysis for a specific Sandia customer group. The information is discussed in a summit between supply chain experts (Procurement & Logistics) and customers. The successful inaugural event resulted in 13 center/division customer summits and many high-impact business process improvements resulting in cost savings. IES

Fleet Services received approval from NNSA on the Transportation Concept Initiative Implementation Project Plan in February 2007 and initiated a two-year pilot program facilitating Sandia Fleet Services self management of the Sandia fleet. The pilot has yielded success in meeting initiative goals of demonstrating effective and efficient stewardship of resources. Highlights include a 10 percent reduction of carts at Sandia/New Mexico and an increase in cart fleet utilization to 89 percent. (10200) IES

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