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Product realization

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The MC4381 neutron generator (see image at left) was fabricated and qualified for the W78 Program to replace legacy MC3051A/B neutron generators. The project team overcame technical, schedule, and budget challenges while developing a product that meets demanding environmental requirements. In addition to inspiring customer confidence in Sandia’s ability to deliver on time and on budget, this effort also enabled replacement of a neutron generator with potential aging concerns. The first production units were delivered to bonded stores in April 2007. (2700, 2400, 2100, 12300, 1500, 1300, 2500) NW

In FY07 the Concurrent Design and Manufacturing (CDM) Program submitted a total of 14,117 Mark Quality (MQ) parts, including War Reserve parts for the stockpile, Process Prove-In (PPI) units used in component qualification, and MQ trainers. The parts (by deliverable area) included 467 capacitors, 2,125 explosive materials/subsystems, 1,279 frequency devices, 6,455 magnetics, 2,392 microelectronics, 2 parachutes, 624 power sources, 50 special components, and 722 switch tubes. (2500, 1700, 2700) NW

The W76-1/Mk4A Arming Fuzing Subsystem (AFS) met all product qualification requirements and the first production unit was delivered on schedule, below cost, and with outstanding performance and quality. The effort was the result of years of work by dozens of people at both Sandia and the Kansas City Plant. The AFS team received an NNSA Defense Programs Award of Excellence. In addition, the team was recognized by the US Navy for meeting and exceeding cost targets. (5300, 2100, 1700, Kansas City Plant, many others) NW

The B&W Pantex plant needed new assembly fixtures and tooling for the W76-1 Life Extension Program. Due to the complex geometry and demanding precision requirements, Pantex was not able to produce the tools and selected Sandia to fabricate the hardware. The Sandia machine shop had sufficient manufacturing capacity, high-precision machining capabilities, and the quality, safety, and security processes in place to fabricate and assemble the classified tooling. All work was completed on schedule and significantly under budget. (2400, 2100, 12300) NW

Centers 2500 and 2700 developed and implemented a set of integrated procedures documenting their approach to supplier quality management. These procedures were reviewed and released as mandatory DSW (Directed Stockpile Work) procedures. The procedures define the system used to select and approve suppliers, ensure product readiness, and prepare for acceptance; address non-conformances and corrective actions; and address supplier quality documentation requirements. A Supplier Quality Council was created to provide oversight, and a Supplier Performance Tracking System (SPTS) was established to collect supplier data and help create performance metrics. (2500, 2700) NW

The MC4300 Neutron Tube Product Realization Team completed all Process Prove-In (PPI) activities for the MC4300 neutron tube — which is half the volume of the MC4277 neutron tube now in production. The tube features a simplified design, 54 percent fewer parts, and 46 percent fewer process steps than the MC4277, and its performance exceeds requirements. The MC4300 will be used in five systems and replaces the legacy MC3368 and MC3854 neutron tubes fabricated at the Pinellas Plant. With the completion of PPI, all processes were successfully transferred to the manufacturing floor at Sandia. (2700, 1500, 12300, 1300, 1800, 2100, 8200) NW

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