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Moving through the air in three dimensions, the Novint Falcon (see photo at right) outperforms existing joysticks and mice, offering high-fidelity three-dimensional touch and a realistic experience that surpasses existing point-and-click technology. Novint’s software is based largely on technology developed at Sandia. Novint is Sandia’s first start-up licensee company to go public and is one of the first publicly traded companies in which Sandia holds an equity position. The Novint Falcon and Novint/Sandia 3D Touch Software won a 2007 R&D 100 Award for technological innovation. (1400) NW

The T-1A is a fiber optic, anti-tamper loop seal for securing high-value, high-risk assets. People lose confidence in mechanical seals as soon as they are applied because they are not monitored directly and continuously, but active seals like the T-1A, which automatically reports in several times a day, renew confidence in their security each time they report their status. Sandia and commercial partner Canberra Albuquerque combined a license agreement for the current T-1A sensor with a cooperative research and development agreement to jointly develop the next-generation sensor. (6700) ER&N

Letters between the US president and the prime minister of the United Kingdom in December 2006 initiated a series of enhanced collaborations that include work in key strategic areas required to meet national requirements, and for which the US/UK interaction is considered mutually beneficial. Major topical areas in which Sandia will play a significant role include radiation sciences, safety subsystems, gas transfer systems, and surveillance sensor development. (1100, 1700, 1800, 2100, 2600, 2800, 2900, 5300, 8200, 12300) NW

The Systems Integration Technical Support (SITS) group developed both a roadmap integrating some 20 NNSA plans and roadmaps and a standardized weapons stockpile concept for DoD and NNSA. SITS also supported development of NNSA’s Readiness in Tech Base and Facilities Corporate Physical Infrastructure Plan and Weapon Program Baseline Guidance Handbook, as well as the NNSA Office of Transformation’s development of strategic planning documents and processes such as the Preferred Alternative. During FY07 the number of SITS staff members has increased fourfold, commingling Sandia personnel with representatives from sites across the complex. (500, 200, 8200, 2100) NW