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Infrastructure protection

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As directed by the White House Homeland Security Council, the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), a DHS program co-led by Sandia and Los Alamos National Lab, completed a two-year examination of potential impacts of pandemic influenza on the nation's population, critical infrastructures, and economy. The results suggest absenteeism, mortality, infrastructure service impacts, and demand shocks could cause adjustments to the structure of the nation’s economy. However, preparedness and the type, timing, and duration of intervention strategies can provide some level of containment. (6300, LANL) HS&D

The Virtual Control Systems Environment (VCSE) is a tool being developed under the National Supervisory Command and Data Acquisition Test-Bed program. VCSE is a scalable environment for simulating cyber effects and evaluating security mitigation options for control systems of infrastructures such as electricity, oil, and gas. VCSE allows asset owners and operators to conduct system-level effects analyses on control system failures and understand how they propagate into local operations. From a government perspective, policy makers can more easily understand how these effects cascade and affect other infrastructures. (5600, 6300) ER&N, DS&A

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