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Global security

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Members of the International Borders Monitoring Department’s Second Line of Defense Program were instrumental in providing equipment and procedures for detecting radioactive material in containers bound for the US from ports at Southampton, United Kingdom; Port Qasim, Pakistan; and Honduras. This work supports the DOE/DHS cooperative Secure Freight Initiative and fulfills the requirements of the Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 by providing data to officials at the Customs and Border Protection’s National Targeting Center in Reston, Va. (6700) ER&N, HS&D

Sandia Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) personnel conducted the first-ever joint NNSA/ROSATOM (Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency) radiological emergency response field training in St. Petersburg, Russia. The week-long training covered various emergency response topics, including radiation detection, detection equipment, and real-world responses to terrorism situations. Two mini-exercises were held to test responses to the dispersion of radioactive material. The culminating event was a day-long exercise that incorporated notification and alert procedures, mission planning, response deployment, field operations, and event resolution. (2900) NW

At the request of NNSA’s Office of Nonproliferation Policy and the Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation/Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction, Sandia’s International Biological Threat Reduction program completed a project to secure dangerous pathogens at the Research Institute of Veterinary Science in Bogor, Indonesia. This project marks the US government’s first biosecurity project in Indonesia, a critical US partner in the global war on terrorism. (6700) ER&N

In September 2007 Sandia hosted the DOE Cyber Security Summit. Attendees included leaders from DOE, NNSA, and the national labs. Dialogue focused on cyber security as a critical challenge facing our nation and protecting institutions from cyber attack. Six follow-on teams have since been formed to address complex topics related to cyber security. (1, 5000, 12100) DS&A

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