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catalog record for Access ScienceSNL access only Access Science

catalog record for AIA/NAS snl access only AIA/NAS Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. via Standards from IHS Engineering Products

Information about ASTM snl access only American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for ASHRAE snl access only American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) snl access only American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards from IHS Products

catalog record for American Welding Society (AWS) snl access only American Welding Society (AWS) Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for Annual ReviewsSNL access only Annual Reviews  (Authoritative, analytic reviews in the following disciplines:)

Environment and Resources
Nuclear & Particle Science

catalog record for CatalogXpress snl access only CatalogXpress from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for CNS China Profiles Databases snl access only China WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) Database

Information About snl access only CNS Nonproliferation Databases

catalog record for CNS WMD snl access only CNS Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism Database

catalog record for Corrosion Abstracts snl access only Corrosion Abstracts

catalog record for CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics snl access only CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

catalog record for DoD Historical Services snl access only Department of Defense (DoD) Historical Services Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for ETDEWEB snl access onlyEnergy Technology Data Exchange World Energy Base (ETDEWEB)

catalog record for Engineered Materials Abstracts snl access only Engineered Materials Abstracts

catalog record ENGnetBase snl access only ENGnetBASE

catalog record for Homeland Security Digital Library snl access only Homeland Security Digital Library

catalog record for IEEE Xplore snl access only IEEE Xplore

Information About IHS Engineering Productus snl access only IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for Inspec and Inspec Archives snl access only Inspec (including Inspec Archives) via ISI Web of Knowledge

Information About ISI Science and Technology Proceedings snl access only ISI Proceedings (now included in ISI Web of Science)

catalog record for ISI Web of Knowledge snl access only ISI Web of Knowledge

information about Jane's CBRNsnl access onlyJane's CBRN Assessments Intel Centre (replacement for Jane's Chem-BioWeb)

SNL access only Jane's Defence Magazines Library

Jane's Defence Industry
Jane's Defence Upgrades
Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Foreign Report
Jane's Intelligence Digest
Jane's Intelligence Review
Jane's International Defense Review
Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
Jane's Missiles & Rockets
Jane's Navy International
Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor

catalog record for Jane's Online Research snl access only Jane's Online Research

catalog record for Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology snl access only Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

catalog record for METADEX snl access only METADEX

Information About National Technical Information Services (NTIS) snl access only National Technical Information Services (NTIS)

catalog record for NIS snl access only NIS (Newly Independent States) Nuclear Tracking Databases

catalog record for Nuclear and Missile Development Database snl access only Nuclear and Missile Development Database

Information About Nuclear Science Abstracts snl access only Nuclear Science Abstracts

information about OPPIEsnl access only OPPIE (SearchPlus replacement)

catalog record for RAND snl access only RAND California

catalog record for Science Citation Index Expanded snl access only Science Citation Index Expanded

catalog record for SANDSearch snl access only SearchPoint

catalog record SAE snl access only Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Digital Library from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for WELDASEARCH snl access only WELDASEARCH

Full-Text Publications
Building the bombs: A history of the nuclear weapons complex

CiteSeer Scientific Literature Digital Library. Context-sensitive search results.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB)

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)/(STINET)

Department of Energy (DOE) Budget Details  Details of DOE's budget requests to the US Congress.

SNL access only Department of Energy (DOE) Directives/Orders Specific to Sandia's contract with DOE.

Department of Energy (DOE) Directives, Regulations, Policies, Standards Portal

Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Citations Database

Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge Full-text DOE research and development reports.

Department of Energy (DOE) Reports ORNL's compilation of online tools to locate DOE and DOE lab technical publications

Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy statistics related to price, production, consumption, etc. in HTML and PDF.

GrayLit Network

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Public Documents

Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Publications France.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's List of Electronic Reports Compilation of full-text online reports focusing on DOE material.

Science Research Connection Contains information from DOE's Information Bridge and DOE's Energy Citations Database

Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET)/ (DTIC)

Source Book on Soviet-Designed Nuclear Power Plants  Published by the Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, DC.

Organizations and Societies
Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium

American Nuclear Society

British American Security Information Council (BASIC)  Independent research organization.

Center for Nonproliferation Studies  Independent research organization.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Department of Energy (DOE)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field, and the international Inspec - now SearchPlus- for the application of nuclear safeguards and verification measures covering civilian nuclear programs worldwide.

The National Atomic Museum  A museum owned by the DOE and operated by Sandia National Laboratories.

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Independent research organization.

The Nuclear Control Institute Independent research organization.

Nuclear Energy Agency French

Nuclear Energy Institute Independent, international policy organization for nuclear energy and technologies industry.

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Responsible for decommissioning of UK nuclear reactors, environmental restoration, fusion research.

Uranium Information Centre Located in Melbourne, Australia.

US Energy Information Administration (EIA)

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

World Nuclear Association An international, non-governmental organization for the nuclear energy industry.

PrePrint Servers
European Laboratory of Particle Physics (CERN)

LANL e-Print Archive

OSTI E-print Network: Energy Storage, Conversion and Utilization

OSTI E-print Network: Fission and Nuclear Technologies


Internet Reference Tools

Accelerator Production of Tritium Project Information about the APT project at LANL.

Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

SNL access only CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

Data for Nuclear Power Plants A worldwide list of nuclear power plants with directory type information.

Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters Library  Frequently requested DOE documents, DOE HQ Library catalog, links to many energy-related resources and contacts.

Department of Energy (DOE) Phonebook

Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Standards Organizations The standards organizations listed on this Web page are a composite of voluntary, federal, and general standards organizations.

Energy Files The virtual library of energy science and technology.

ETDE World Energy Base Information on the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change; energy R&D; energy policy; nuclear, coal, hydrocarbon and renewable energy technologies and much, much more. Access is free, but users will need to register individually.

Glossary of Nuclear Terms From the Uranium Institute.

Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films Video clips of declassified DOD and DOE nuclear weapons tests.

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Database Information on the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology.

NIST WebBook

Nuclear Decay Data in the MIRD Format

Nuclear Explosions Database

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Telephone Directory

Photograph of Trinity Date, time, latitude, and longitude are also given. From LANL.

Plutonium Nuclear issues briefing paper.

SNL access only Product Realization Process Online NWC Technical Business Practices

Trinity Atomic Web Site Historical documents, photos and videos related to nuclear weapons.

Trinity Test Site Anniversary

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

World Nuclear Association Information Briefs Statistics and profiles related to the nuclear industry.

Web Guides and Gateways
SNL access only Analyst Sandia created site for Sandian analysts involved in modeling and simulation analysis in nuclear weapons such as structural, thermal, radiation transport, aero, electrical, and mechanical .

Bellona Foundation Includes white papers on the nuclear industry in Russia, and global nuclear waste issues.

FirstGov for Science Portal to science and technology information from numerous US Government science agencies. Search or browse by topic.

Google's Nuclear Energy Directory


National Nuclear Data Center  Contains links to many sites containing nuclear data.

Nuclear Portal From the World Nuclear Association

OSTI Energy, Science and Technology Resources Links to and descriptions of DOE-wide information systems

Physics & Advanced Technologies (LLNL)


SNL access only Sandia's Energy and Critical Infrastructure SBU Homepage

SNL access only Sandia's Nuclear Weapons SBU Homepage

Scirus  Science-specific Internet search engine.

Todd's Atomic Homepage

Websites for Declassified Information

WWW Virtual Library: Nuclear Engineering

YAHOO! Nuclear Engineering Directory

ABB Combustion Engineering System 80+

Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR)

Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor (AL MR)

Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor r (MHTGR)

Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR)

SNL access only = SNL IP Access Only
last updated on December 16, 2008