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Doing Business

Accounts Payable Contact
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Accounts Payable
Provides the information you need to properly submit invoices and has other useful guidelines and tips.

Invoice Instructions

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Please submit invoices to the following address unless otherwise specified in your contract.

Sandia National Laboratories
Accounts Payable MS 1385
PO Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185

Payment will be made on the basis of an original invoice, which must contain the following information:

  • Supplier name as stated in the contract
  • Remittance address
  • Purchase order number (Document number) (Do not hand-write Purchase Order number on invoice)
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Total invoice amount should be included on the front page of the invoice (Do not include cumulative amount)
  • Description, price and quantity of property or services actually delivered or rendered (as stated in the contract)
  • Payment terms
  • Shipping terms and required documentation (see freight bill information below)
  • Other substantiating documentation as required by the contract. Examples: timesheet, approval signature, other authorization for delivery of property or services


Payment Terms

Sandia's policy is that calculation of the payment date starts from the date Accounts Payable receives the invoice, not the date of the invoice:

Help yourself with on-time payments by following the invoicing instructions above.

Offsetting and How Debit Balances are Handled

From time to time suppliers may owe Sandia money. In this case we expect immediate repayment due to collections requirements from DOE. The most convenient method of repayment is via offset, where we reduce outbound payments to satisfy debts. In the event no open contracts exist with which to offset, checks or EFT payments can be mailed to Payables. Failure to remit amounts owed in a timely fashion will result in account closure.

Freight Bills

Per GSA requirements, we are required to report and provide supporting documentation for all freight charges of $50 or more. Therefore, in order to assist us in complying with this regulation and to facilitate the payment of your freight expenses, please submit a freight bill with your invoice on any freight charges of $50 or more.

Freight carriers or suppliers who are contacting a freight carrier for shipment to us should reference a Sandia project/task number on any freight bills submitted for payment. We appreciate your assistance.


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Last updated: October 17, 2007