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Tina playing the oboe.
Quote: “Sandia is very people-oriented. I'm frequently asked, 'Are you happy with what we're having you do? If not, we can change it.' How many companies will do that for you?”


Lifelong Passion: Mathematics.

First Impression of Albuquerque: “As the car left the hotel and my hostess turned the corner to head eastward toward the labs, I found myself staring at the snowcapped mountains. I had no idea mountains were so close to Albuquerque. I was completely won over.”

Current Assignment: Data mining, programming, modeling, simulations, and analysis.

Hobbies: Flying, scuba diving, ballooning, rowing, hiking, oboe, English horn, skiing, and volunteering.

Philosophy: Following dreams, not dollars; do the work you love to do; try everything at least once.

Profile: Energetic, fun-loving, idealistic.