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Darren practicing Kung Fu.
Personal philosophy: "Throughout my life, many people have encouraged and helped me. I try to pass that positive energy along through service to others."


Degree: M.S. Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on digital signal processing, Michigan State University, Magna Cum Laude.

Current Assignments: Project Lead, Intrusion Detection Technology Department. Tests microwave infrared, and movement-detection systems designed to keep intruders out of sensitive areas, for applications ranging from prison facilities to embassies.

Latest Outdoor Adventure: White-water rafting on the Rio Grande near Taos, New Mexico.

Volunteer Activities: Part-time mathematics instructor. Hanging wallboard for Habitat for Humanity. Participation in Kappa Alpha Psi, a community service fraternity.

Hobbies: Skiing, white-water rafting, Kung fu.