State of Illinois - Veterans Care
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich
Illinois Program to Provide Healthcare for Veterans.
Veterans Care
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Department of Veterans Affairs

Illinois Cares Rx


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Health Care for Veterans


Dear Illinois Veteran:

I believe that healthcare is a fundamental right. And when someone puts their life on the line to defend their country, I find it shocking that they could even go one day without health insurance. And yet the federal government has let more than one million veterans go without health insurance, including approximately 70,000 in Illinois.

Every veteran should have access to affordable, quality health insurance, and that’s why we created Veterans Care – a new program from the State of Illinois that offers access to affordable, comprehensive healthcare to veterans across Illinois. Under this program, veterans will pay an affordable monthly premium of $40 or $70 and receive medical, limited dental and vision coverage. Veterans who enroll will not be required to pay a monthly premium for the first two months of coverage, until January 2008. Illinois is the first state in the nation to create a program like this.

For the first year of the program, we are seeking to serve those veterans who have limited incomes. Next year, we will seek funding from the General Assembly to expand the program, and our ultimate goal is to ensure that every veteran in Illinois has the healthcare he or she needs. For additional information on Veterans Care, please visit or call us at 1-877-4VETSRX. Our Veterans Service Officers all stand ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your service to our country.



Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor


Department of Veterans Affairs Illinois Cares Rx