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Library Resources NAVIGATE THIS PAGE
catalog record for Access ScienceSNL access only Access Science

catalog record for ACSSNL access only ACS (American Chemical Society) Journals

catalog record for Aluminum Industry Abstracts snl access only Aluminum Industry Abstracts (AIA)

Information about ASTM snl access only American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) snl access only American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards from IHS Products

catalog record for Annual ReviewsSNL access only Annual Reviews (Authoritative, analytic reviews in the following disciplines:)

Biophysics & Biomolecular Structure
Cell & Development Biology
Genomics and Human Genetics
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Physical Chemistry

catalog record for CINDAS Material Property Databases snl access only CINDAS Material Property Databases (click on Login link in upper right-hand corner of page under User Options)

catalog record for ETDEWEB snl access onlyEnergy Technology Data Exchange World Energy Base (ETDEWEB)

Information About ISI Science and Technology Proceedingssnl access only ISI Proceedings (now included in ISI Web of Science)

Information About ISI Web of KnowledgeSNL access onlyISI Web of Knowledge

information about Jane's CBRNsnl access onlyJane's CBRN Assessments Intel Centre (replacement for Jane's Chem-BioWeb)

catalog record for Kirk-OthmerSNL access only Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

Information About NTISSNL access only National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Homeland Security Information Center

information about OPPIEsnl access only OPPIE (SearchPlus replacement)

catalog record for Science Citation Indexsnl access only Science Citation Index Expanded

Information About SearchPlussnl access onlySearchPlus - replacement is OPPIE

Information about Springerlink snl access only Springerlink

Full-Text Publications

Chemistry Patents (Requires free registration) Searchable full-text US Patents for chemistry and related fields from January 1996 to present

CiteSeer Scientific Literature Digital Library. Context-sensitive search results.

DOE Information Bridge DOE research and development reports

The Online Books Page is a web site from the University of Pennsylvania providing free, full-text access to books available on the Internet about Chemistry and Chemical Technology

NASA Langley Technical Library Digital Repository Allows searching of published documents at the NASA Langley Research Center

SNL access only SearchPoint click ReportSearch and search by keyword for Sandia, LANL, and NASA unclassified unlimited documents

Science Research Connection Contains information from DOE's Information Bridge and DOE's Energy Citations Database

US Environmental Protection Agency Access points for publicly available EPA publications online

Virtual Technical Reports Center Search with CTRL+F and a keyword to link to relevant organizations that supply online documents

Organizations and Societies

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

American Physical Society (APS)

Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemical Societies Network

SNL access only Professional Organizations Listing of engineering and manufacturing professional organizations

Scholarly Societies Project: Chemical Engineering Hosted by the University of Waterloo

Scholarly Societies Project: Chemistry Hosted by the University of Waterloo

PrePrint Servers

Chemical Physics

LANL's e-Print archive

OSTI E-print Network: Chemistry List of chemistry-related preprint servers from OSTI

Internet Reference Tools

Acronyms & Abbreviations of Chemical Compounds

Atomic Scattering Factors for the Elements Arranged by periodic table

Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database Access to the Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database and the NASA Archive for Protein Crystal Growth Data

ChemFinder.Com Locate CAS registry numbers, molecular weights, etc.

ChemID Plus Product of NLM, part of Grateful Med

Chemical Glossary

Chemical Safety or Toxicology Information MSDS, toxicology, laws and regulations, etc. Part of Indiana University’s Cheminfo system

ChemWeb Databases Search or browse chemical databases including: Beilstein Abstracts, Ashley Abstracts, Reaction Citation Index and others. Requires (free) registration with ChemWeb to search. Some databases are completely free others will charge to view full citations

Conversion of Units

SNL access only CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

EcoTox Database System Locate single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife

EMCI Chemical References Web Pages Searchable interface for EPA Master Chemical Integrator (EMCI)

EPA Envirofacts Data Warehouse and Applications A single point of access to select EPA environmental data

IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology Commonly referred to as the “Gold Book”

Metric Prefixes

MicroChemLab Information

Molecular Monte Carlo

Molecule of the Month

Name Reactions Organic Chemistry Portal

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards

NIST Chemistry WebBook This site provides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program

NIST Data Center Reference Access, by element, lists of references produced by NIST Atomic Data Centers

NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty

Organic Compounds Database

Physical Property Information Part of Indiana University’s Cheminfo system

SNL access only Sandia’s Chemical Information System (CIS) Tracks chemical containers at SNL and provides MSDS sheets

Temperature Conversion Calculator

Thermodex: An Index of Selected Thermodynamic Data Handbooks Searchable database of handbooks and compilations of thermodynamic and thermophysical data enables you to search by type of compound and properties. Results provide a list of handbooks that might contain needed data. Check the Technical Library’s Online Catalog to see if the needed handbook is available

Toxics Release Inventory Searchable file of over 650 toxic chemicals used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment. Hosted by EPA

Vapor Pressure Data

Web Guides and Gateways

ChemCenter The ACS chemistry portal

ChemDex Directory to chemistry sites on the WWW

CHEMINFO Chemical Information Sources hosted by Indiana University, includes data and educational resources

chemsoc Links to International Chemistry Societies’ web portal

FirstGov for Science Portal to science and technology information from numerous US Government science agencies. Search or browse by topic

Galaxy Chemistry Directory

Google Chemistry Directory

Infosurf: Chemistry Hosted by UC Santa Barbara Portal for metallography labs, vendors and experts

SNL access only Sandia TechWeb Engineering and Manufacturing Links: Chemicals

SNL access only Sandia Tech Web Science and Research Links: Chemistry

Scirus  Science-specific Internet search engine

Scitopia free federated search portal to digital libraries of leading science and technology societies

WWW Virtual Library: Chemistry

YAHOO! Chemistry Directory

Periodic Tables

Atomic Scattering Factors for the Elements Arranged by periodic table

Chemical Interactive periodic table

Chemicool Periodic Table

Molecular Weight Calculation

Periodic Table of the Elements

WebElements Periodic Table (from University of Sheffield)

X-Ray Properties Via a Periodic Table

Vendor Catalogs and Suppliers

ChemConnect Buyers and sellers of chemicals and plastics

Chemcyclopedia buyer’s guide to of commercially available chemicals

Chem Sources Online

ChemStore.Com Shop for chemicals and related products

Listing of metal suppliers/producers Scientific products, including chemical lab equipment

Sigma-Aldrich Chemical vendor

SNL access only = SNL IP Access Only
last updated on December 12, 2008