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The Technical Library subscribes to a large number of technical and business journals online.
The Technical Library's electronic journal collection is provided to support Sandia National Laboratories' mission. Access to the online journals available on the Library's web site is governed by license agreements. The terms of these agreements forbid the systematic or programmatic altering, recompiling, reselling, redistributing, storing and copying of entire issues as well as substantial or systematic redistribution of journal content. Systematic or programmatic downloading means downloading, printing, transmitting, or copying activity of which the intent or the effect is to capture, reproduce, or transfer the entire output of a resource. Misuse of the resources can lead to penalties up to and including the sudden suspension or termination of system access.

By using these resources, you agree that you have read the above acceptable use policy and agree to abide by it. For more information concerning acceptable use, please contact the Electronic Resource Librarian at (505) 844-0774. To determine the call number or whether we have a journal title of interest, and the range of years available, search the online catalog.

Because we IP-authenticate with the providers of the journals, you can use any WWW search engine when logged on to the SRN or SON; if we have a subscription to the journal, you will get access to the subscribed content.

The Technical Library has a subscription to CISTI Alerts Unlimited, a Table Contents service offering up-to-date information in science, technology, medicine, and other related fields, CISTI Alerts Unlimited includes over 20,000 journals to choose from (whether we have a subscription or not), and offers the capability of setting up alerts which will deliver the selected Tables of Contents to the requester's email address. Article Alerts are also available. If you have questions or would like to set up a Table of Contents account, contact Roberta Valencia or your reference librarian. An instruction/information page is in Web FileShare for Sandians who wish to set up Journal Tables of Content Alerts (CISTI).

Document delivery can supply photocopies of journal articles, whether they are held by the Technical Library or are not. To obtain articles, papers or patents, complete the Library Request Form, or in New Mexico, call 844-2897, or send an email to In California, call (925) 294-1029, or send an email to Karen Cardwell.

To order office periodical/journal subscriptions follow this link.

last updated on November 19, 2008