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catalog record for Access ScienceSNL access only Access Science

catalog record for AIAA Electronic Library snl access only American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Electronic Library

catalog record for Aerospace Database & High Technology DatabaseSNL access only Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics

catalog record for CatalogXpress from IHS snl access only CatalogXpress from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics snl access only CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

catalog record for Department of Defense (DoD) Historical Service Standards snl access only Department of Defense (DoD) Historical Services Standards from IHS Engineering Products

catalog record for DOE Information Bridge snl access only  DOE Information Bridge

catalog record for IEEE Xplore snl access only IEEE Xplore

catalog record for INSPEC snl access only Inspec Archives via ISI Web of Knowledge

Information About ISI Science and Technology Proceedings snl access only ISI Proceedings (now included in ISI Web of Science)

Information About ISI Web of Knowledge snl access only ISI Web of Knowledge

Information About NACA Digital Library snl access only NACA Digital Library

Information About National Technical Information Services (NTIS) snl access only National Technical Information Services (NTIS)

Information About Nuclear Science Abstracts snl access only Nuclear Science Abstracts

information about OPPIEsnl access only OPPIE (SearchPlus replacement)

catalog record for RAND snl access only RAND California

catalog record for Science Citation Index Expanded snl access only Science Citation Index Expanded

catalog record for SANDSearch snl access only SearchPoint click ReportSearch and search by keyword for Sandia, LANL, and NASA unclassified unlimited documents

Information about Springerlink snl access only Springerlink

SNL access only New Titles List Links to latest issue of new titles. Look for "Astronomy & Astrophysics" in the subject list.

Full-Text Publications
CiteSeer Scientific Literature Digital Library. Context-sensitive search results.

DOE Information Bridge DOE research and development reports.


GrayLIT Network Full-text search engine for locating Gray literature (reports, etc.) from contributing federal agencies (DoD, DOE, EPA, NASA).

NASA Astrophysics Data System Virtual Library Includes links to texts and reports.

NASA Langley Technical Library Digital Repository Allows searching of published documents at the NASA Langley Research Center

NASA Scientific and Technical Information

catalog record for NASA Technical Report ServerNASA Technical Reports Server

The Online Books Page- Astronomy A web site from the University of Pennsylvania providing free, full-text access to books available on the Internet.

Science Research Connection Contains information from DOE's Information Bridge and DOE's Energy Citations Database

Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET)/(DTIC)

Sky and Telescope Online version of S&T magazine

Organizations and Societies
The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS)

American Astronomical Society (AAS)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Planetary Society

Rio Rancho Astronomical Society

Scholarly Societies Project: Astronomy Hosted by the University of Waterloo.

Space Frontier Foundation

Space Studies Institute

Universities Space Research Association

PrePrint Servers e-Print service

Astrophysics Data System ADS Abstract Service

European Laboratory of Particle Physics (CERN)

NASA ADS ArXiv Preprints

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center List of Electronic Preprint Servers

National Optical Astronomy Observatory Preprint Series

OSTI PrePRINT Network (PPN) Link to or search across over 1,500 preprint servers worldwide.

OSTI E-print Network: Physics A list of physics-related preprint servers including links to sites maintained by individual authors.


Internet Reference Tools
Astronomical Applications US Naval Observatory Data Services.

Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants Data on 225 galactic supernova remnants.

Directorate of Time Maintained by the US Naval Observatory.

Galileo Solid State Imaging Images of our universe from the Galileo Spacecraft.

Handbook of Space Astronomy & Astrophysics

History of Astronomy

Hubble Site Images and data from the Hubble Space Telescope

The Messier Catalog Data on the 110 Messier objects.

NASA Astrophysics Data System Data Archives Link to archives from ADS and other organizations.

NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI) Technical Report Server Includes selected citations to NACA reports (1915-1960) and unclassified NASA technical reports and open literature 1962 to date.

NASA High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center Data, analysis and format standards for gamma-ray, X-ray, and extreme ultraviolet observations of cosmic (non-solar) sources.

NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) Searchable interface to bibliographic references, basic data and images for extragalactic objects.

NASA National Space Science Data Center Lunar and planetary data and images, part of the NSSDC.

NASA's Planetary Photojournal

National Optical Astronomy Observatory (Kitt Peak)

National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) Access data, photographs, educational resources, etc. Located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Nine Planets A multimedia tour of the universe from SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space).

Planets Fact sheets on each planet from NASA.

Skyview A virtual observatory from NASA.

Space Telescope Science Institute: Hubble Space Telescope

Time and Date Time, date and counter services.

The VizieR Astronomical Catalogue Service Formerly hosted by ADS, now maintained by Vizier, France.

Web Guides and Gateways
Astronomy Cafe

The AstroWeb

Cambridge Cosmology

FirstGov for Science Portal to science and technology information from numerous US Government science agencies. Search or browse by topic.

The Galaxy Page SEDS' guide to space and astronomy-related resources on the World Wide Web.

Google's Astronomy Directory

National Science Foundation (NSF)

SNL access only Sandia TechWeb Science and Research Links: Astronomy

Scirus  Science-specific Internet search engine. US Naval Observatory

WWW-VL: Astronomy and Astrophysics & AstroWeb

YAHOO! Astronomy Directory

SNL access only = SNL IP Access Only
last updated on December 12, 2008