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Sandia Technology logo A quarterly research and development magazine

From the Editor

Dear Readers,

When I came to Sandia in 1990, many wondered how the national labs would fare in a world in which some of the biggest threats to our nation have no geographic locations – threats like energy dependence and flagging U.S. competitiveness. More...

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Summer 2008 — Volume 10, No. 1


Peter Roth
From your drill to your car
Lithium-ion batteries like those that power your drill and your nail gun could someday power your car.

Water cools reactor
The links between water and energy
Water and energy are inextricably linked. It takes large volumes of water to produce energy and lots of low-cost energy to treat and distribute water. But the planning and management of these fundamental resources have historically been done in isolation.

Solar dishes
Record-seting solar power
On a perfect New Mexico day Sandia and Stirling Energy Systems (SES) set a new solar-to-grid system conversion efficiency record by achieving a 31.25 percent net efficiency rate.

Ron Pate
Green jet fuel
Sandia team is investigating how to produce military Jet Propellant 8 (JP-8) fuel using renewable biomass oil feedstocks, including oil crops, unconventional sources like algae, and various forms of waste vegetable and animal oils.

Oil drums
INSIGHTS:Petroleum Studies 101
Getting to $4 for a gallon of gasoline, as we did this summer, took some doing. Only last July we paid $3, and back in July 2004 we paid $2. Many factors combine to drive oil prices.