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Sandia Technology logo A quarterly research and development magazine

From the Editor

Dear Readers,

At Sandia, researchers often find themselves traveling to the far ends of the world to provide exceptional service and this issue of Sandia Technology provides an example. Over the years, our technical staff members have spent weeks — and months — away from home, living in remote locales. More...

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Spring 2007 — Volume 9, No. 1

alaska map
Understanding climate change
Climate researchers are focusing increased attention on high latitudes as they work to better understand the interactions of a complex atmosphere-land-ocean system. The Arctic is predicted to undergo more intense warming than any other region on earth because water undergoes a specific seasonal phase change there. Scientific evidence shows that this warming is already happening.

sergey faleev with model
Describing fundamental properties of materials
Gold is shiny, diamonds are transparent, and iron is magnetic. Ever wonder why? The answer lies with a material’s electronic structure, which determines its electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. In a number of areas of engineering, including weapons, Sandia relies extensively on using and controlling such properties.

Keeping watch on the world
“USNDS may be more important than ever to strategic national security. The threats are real, and USNDS provides critical global awareness.”
— Jerry McDowell, Sandia Vice President for Defense Systems and Assessments

Assessing dental disease in minutes
A recently completed pilot study conducted with the University of Michigan shows that a Sandia handheld device determined in minutes — from a tiny sample of saliva alone — if a patient has gum disease and quantitatively how advanced the disease is.

chemical-detection system
Scaling down to the micro-dimension
One of the great revelations of engineering at the micro- and nano-scales is that the micro-world is quite, quite different from the world we can see and touch.