U.S. Food and Drug Administration
horizontal rule

FDA's Consumer Complaint Coordinators

To report adverse reactions or other problems with FDA-regulated products, contact the FDA district office consumer complaint coordinator for your geographic area. If you require the use of a Relay Service, please call the Federal Relay Services (1-800-877-8339). This is a toll free relay service to call Federal agencies from TTY devices.

Please Note: There is not a Consumer Complaint Coordinator in each state. Consumer Complaint Coordinators are assigned by regions. Therefore, several states will have the same Consumer Complaint Coordinator assigned to it.


Alaska--(425) 483-4949

Arizona--(949) 608-3530

Arkansas--(214) 253-5200, ext. 5233

California (Northern)--(510) 337-6741

California (Southern)--(949) 608-3530

Colorado--(303) 236-3044

Connecticut-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Delaware--(215) 597-9064

District of Columbia--(410) 779-5713

Florida -- (866) 337-6272

Georgia--(404) 253-1169

Hawaii--(510) 337-6741

Idaho--(425) 483-4949

Illinois--(312) 353-7840

Indiana--(313) 393-8100

Iowa--(913) 752-2440

Kansas--(913) 752-2440

Kentucky--(513) 679-2700, ext. 124; toll-free in Kentucky: 800-437-2382


Maine-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Maryland--(410) 779-5713

Massachusetts-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Michigan--(313) 393-8100

Minnesota--(612) 758-7221


Missouri--(913) 752-2440

Montana--(425) 483-4949

Nebraska--(913) 752-2440

Nevada--(510) 337-6741

New Hampshire-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

New Jersey-- (973) 331-4917

New Mexico--(303) 236-3044

New York -- (toll-free) 866-446-9055

North Carolina--(404) 253-1169

North Dakota--(612) 758-7221

Ohio--(513) 679-2700, ext. 124; toll free in Ohio: 800-437-2382

Oklahoma--(214) 253-5200, ext. 5233

Oregon--(425) 483-4949

Pennsylvania--(215) 597-9064

Rhode Island-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

South Carolina--(404) 253-1169

South Dakota--(612) 758-7221

Tennessee-- 866-289-3399

Texas--(214) 253-5200 ext. 5233

Utah--(303) 236-3044

Vermont-- (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Virginia--(410) 779-5713

Washington--(425) 483-4949

West Virginia--(410) 779-5713

Wisconsin--(612) 758-7221

Wyoming--(303) 236-3044

Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands--800-332-0127

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