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IA 57-21, 5/10/07, IMPORT ALERT #57-21, "IMPORT ALERT #57-21, "DETENTION

TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination

               NOTE:     This import alert represents the Agency's current
               instructions to FDA field personnel regarding the
               manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue.  It does not
               create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does
               not operate to bind FDA or the public.

PRODUCT:       Trichuris suis Ova (TSO); Pig Whipworm Eggs


PROBLEM:       No U.S. License

PAC:           41R800

PAF:           REG

COUNTRIES:          All

SHIPPER:       All

CHARGE:        "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               section 801(a)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
               Act (FD&C Act) because it appears to be a biological product
               for which a biologics license is not in effect under Section
               351(a) of the Public Health Service Act, and therefore it
               appears to be a new drug under the meaning of section 201(p)
               of the FD&C Act without an effective new drug application
               approval, as required by section 505 of the FD&C Act.
               [Unapproved new drug, section 505(a)]"

OASIS Charge
Codes:         "OASIS Charge Code = Unapproved New Drug"

OFFICE:        CBER, Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality, Division
               0f Case Management, HFM-624

ALERT:         CBER was informed by New Orleans District Office (NOL-DO)
               that they are seeing entries of pig whipworm eggs called
               Trichuris suis ova (TSO) prescribed as an oral medication
               for patients to treat Crohn's Disease and other inflammatory
               bowel diseases.  NOL-DO has seen approximately 14 FEDEX
               Shipments of this product since the beginning of this year.
               The entries are declared for personal use only and are
               accompanied by a US Physician's prescription.  Currently,
               there is no new drug application approval or biologics
               license application for this product and no IND has been
               filed with CBER.

               There are published reports of Trichuris suis (pig
               whipworms) infection in humans including a report published
               in 2006 of a pediatric patient with Crohn's disease
               receiving five oral doses of T. suis ova (TSO) and
               subsequently becoming infected with live sexually immature
               worms within the ileocecal region and a sexually mature worm
               within the luminal space of the bowel (Arch Pathol Lab Med.
               Vol 130 May 2006).  In addition, two earlier reports also
               suggest that T. suis is capable of infecting human hosts
               [Shin et al Can J Gastroenterol 2004 Mar;18(3) and Beer Res
               Vet Sci 1976 Jan; 20(1)].  The adverse events associated
               with a T. suis infection are currently unknown; however,
               infestation in humans with Trichuris has been implicated in
               causing inflammation of the bowel [Ferrari et al Endoscopy
               1993 Oct 25(8)], and possibly increasing the pathogenicity
               of Camplyobacter jejuni, thus increasing the severity of C.
               jejuni colitis if there is concomitant infection [Shin et al
               Can J Gastroenterol 2004 Mar; 18(3)].

               In addition to the safety concerns described above, the FDA
               also has concerns regarding the product's safety as the
               Agency does not have information regarding the manufacture,
               control, and release tests for this product.  Specifically,
               the Agency has no information with regard to testing for
               adventitious agents, including porcine viruses, at the
               manufacturing stages and in the final drug product.
               Additionally, there is concern regarding the potential
               presence of other contaminants and/or allergens within the
               oral mixture that patients are being directed to consume.

GUIDANCE:      Districts may detain without physical examination all
               imported Trichuris suis ova (TSO); Pig Whipworm Eggs or Pig
               Whipworm Egg suspensions because these articles appear to be
               biological products for which a biologics license is not in
               effect under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act
               and thus appear to be new drugs under the meaning of section
               201(p) of the FD&C Act without an effective new drug
               application approval, as required by section 505 of the FD&C
               Act.  These unlicensed biological products appear to be
               offered for import for the treatment of Crohn's Disease and
               other inflammatory bowel diseases.

               District Offices that have further questions concerning the
               entry of TSO; Pig Whipworm Eggs, can contact OCBQ/DCM,
               Import/Export Staff at (301) 827- 6201.


FOI:           No purging required

KEY WORDS:          Trichuris suis ova, TSO, Pig, Pig Whipworm Eggs, Whipworms,
                    Whipworm Eggs.

PREPARED BY:   Nawab A. Siddiqui, DIOP, 301-594-3871
               Kimberly A. Cressotti, CBER/OCBQ/DCM 301-827-6214
               Jessica A. Tave,
               Dale Slavi (OVRR)
               Mark Abdy (OVRR)

                    INTO FIARS:         May 10, 2007