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There is a wealth of information on the Internet designed to assist family members and caregivers of older adults.
Alzheimer’s Association CareFinder
  This site provides assistance to those caring for someone who has Alzheimer's disease find good care in their community.
  Web site:
Family Caregiver Alliance
  The site contains a wide array of publications and services based on caregiver needs, including a Family Care Navigator.
  Web site:
Familycaregiving 101
  The site is designed to provide caregivers with the basic tools, skills and information they need to protect their own physical and mental health while they provide high quality care for their loved one.
  Web site:
National Alliance for Caregiving
  The site contains publications and resources for caregivers, including the Family Care Resource Connection, where you can find reviews and ratings on over 1,000 books, videos, Web sites, and other materials on caregiving.
  Web site:
National Family Caregivers Association
  The site offers a virtual library of information and educational materials for family caregivers.
  Web site:
U.S. Health and Human Services       
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