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Assessment Tools

There are a variety of tools available on the Internet designed to help older people and family caregivers assess their needs and determine the best strategies for care. The following links highlight some of these resources.

Benefits Check-up

The BenefitsCheckUp is an online service designed to screen for federal, state and some local private and public benefits for older adults (ages 55 and over). Also available on the site is BenefitsCheckUpRx, a service that identifies public and private programs that can help pay for prescription drugs.CarePlanner

Handbook for Long Distance Caregivers

The Family Caregiver Alliance has made this booklet available to offer a roadmap for those new to the challenges of caring from afar for ill or elderly loved ones. Included: how to assess your care situation; develop a care team; hold a family meeting; access community organizations and private agencies; and balance work and caregiving

U.S. Health and Human Services       
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