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State Units on Aging

The Administration on Aging awards OAA funds for supportive home and community-based services to the State Units on Aging (SUAs), which are located in every state and U.S. territory. SUAs are agencies of state and territorial governments designated by governors and state legislatures to administer, manage, design and advocate for benefits, programs and services for the elderly and their families and, in many states, for adults with physical disabilities. The term "state unit on aging" is a general term: the specific title and organization of the governmental unit will vary from state to state and may be called a Department, Office, Bureau, Commission, Council or Board for the elderly, seniors, aging, older adults and/or adults with physical disabilities. Regardless of the exact title, these state government agencies all share a common agenda of providing the opportunities and supports for older persons to live independent, meaningful, productive, dignified lives and maintain close family and community ties.

Funding for programs is allocated to each SUA based on the number of persons over the age of 60 in the state. Most states are divided into planning and service areas (PSAs), so that programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of older persons residing in those areas.

U.S. Health and Human Services       
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