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Guide to Inspections of Low Acid Canned Food Manufacturers - 2




1. FDA 3146-Domestic Acidified and Low-Acid Canned Foods Inspection Report (pg.52-68)

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2. FDA 3146a-Domestic Low Acid Canned Foods Retort Data Sheet (Processing in Steam in Still Retorts) (pg.69-71)

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1. Corresponding Gauge Pressure and Process Temperatures

2. Pneumatic (Air to Open) Steam Control Valve: 34K

3. Computer Controlled Retort System: 27K

4. Still Steam Retorts: 36K

5. Crateless Still Steam Retorts: 62K

6. Still Water Immersion Retorts: 44K

7. Continuous Agitating Retorts

8. Discontinuous Agitating Immersion Retorts

9. Hydrostatic Retorts

10. Cascading Water Retorts: 31K

11. Steam Air Retorts: 36K

12. Statistical Sampling Schedule For Records Review: 77K

12.1 Statistical Sampling Schedule For Records Review: 63K

13. Sampling Schedule for Canned and Acidified Foods: 78K

13.1 Sampling Schedule for Canned and Acidified Foods: 65K

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