Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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39 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  G-8 Condemns London Explosions, Continues Summit *
2.  UN Urges Burma to Release All Political Prisoners *
3.  London Police Sift Bomb Scenes for Clues *
4.  Asia Strongly Condemns London Bombings *
5.  G-8 Leaders Winding Up Summit *


1.  G-8 Agrees to Increase African Aid, Help Palestinians, and Look at Climate Change *
2.  British Police: Three Subway Blasts Almost Simultaneous *
3.  Profile of US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor *
4.  Blair: To Quell Terrorism, Wipe Out Its Causes *
5.  Secretary Rice in China for Talks on North Korea *
6.  Burma, Laos, China Work Together to Curb Chinese Gambling *


1.  Rice Urges Thailand to Press for Reform in Burma *
2.  Mine Collapse in Burma Kills Eight *
3.  Sources: Ex-Burmese PM Khin Nyunt to Stand Trial *
4.  Malaysia Urges Rice to Attend ASEAN *
5.  British Police Use Controlled Explosions During Searches in London Bombing *
6.  South Korea Electricity For North If Pyongyang Ends Nuke Programs *
7.  US Congress Comes Together To Debate a Wide-ranging Energy Bill *
8.  Lebanon Blast Wounds Defense Minister, Kills Two *
9.  US and Japan Seek Concrete Results in Korea Talks *


1.  Sources: Trial of Burma's Ex-PM Postponed *
2.  British Minister Braces for More Attacks *
3.  NASA Repairs Shuttle for Wednesday Liftoff *
4.  Rice Backs Seoul's North Korea Electricity Proposal, Insists On Full Nuclear Disarmament *
5.  127 Dead in Pakistani Train Collision *
6.  Burmese Pro-Democracy Groups Criticize France *
7.  Suicide Bombing Kills 27 in Baghdad, Many Children Among the Dead *
8.  Burma, India, Bangladesh to Discuss Pipeline *


1.  US Homeland Security Department Reorganized *
2.  Millions Pause To Remember London Bombing Victims *
3.  British Politician: Burma One of World's Most Repressive Regimes *
4.  US First Lady Laura Bush Visits Rwanda Genocide Memorial *
5.  France Celebrates Bastille Day Under Extra Security *


1.  Thai PM Given Emergency Powers as Violence in Southern Provinces Escalates *
2.  British Police Say Bombs were Homemade *
3.  Former US President Clinton: UN Tsunami Envoy *
4.  Blasts Kill Four Alleged Palestinian Militants *
5.  Egyptian Officials: Suspect in London Blasts Detained in Cairo *
6.  20 Killed in Series of Baghdad Blasts *