Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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39 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  US Forces Fight Insurgents Across Iraq - 2004-04-08 *
2.  US Senator Calls For Renewed Burma Sanctions - 2004-04-08 *
3.  Four Burmese Nationals Charged in Malaysian Attack - 2004-04-08 *
4.  Rice Testifies Before September 11th Panel - 2004-04-08 *
5.  Burmese Govt. Invites Opposition to Constitutional Convention - 2004-04-08 *
6.  Burmese Opposition Again Calls for Release of Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-04-08 *


1.  gda - 2004-04-09
2.  US Marines Hold Their Fire in Fallujah - 2004-04-09 *
3.  bcvbc - 2004-04-09
4.  Japanese Troops to Stay in Iraq, Despite Kidnappings - 2004-04-09 *
5.  Powell Backs Renewed Burma Sanctions - 2004-04-09 *
6.  White House Intends To Declassify Pre 9-11 Memo - 2004-04-09 *


1.  Cheney Arrives in Japan - 2004-04-10 *
2.  Thousands of Protesters Urge Japan to Withdraw Troops from Iraq - 2004-04-10 *
3.  Former Burma's President Sein Lwin Dies At Age 81 - 2004-04-10 *
4.  Media Watch Group Urges Burmese Military Junta To Allow Press Freedom - 2004-04-10 *
5.  US-Led Coalition, Iraqi Insurgents Offer Ceasefires As Fighting Rages - 2004-04-10 *
6.  US Forces In Iraq Continue Crashing Shi'ite Resistance - 2004-04-10 *


1.  Classified Pre-Sept. 11 Memo Released - 2004-04-11 *
2.  Thai Foreign Minister Pays One-day Visit Burma - 2004-04-11 *
3.  Japan Awaits Word on Hostages Held by Iraqi Insurgents - 2004-04-11 *
4.  Bush Defends June 30th Handover Date in Iraq - 2004-04-11 *


1.  Thai, Malaysian Leaders Agree on Steps to Quell Violence - 2004-04-12
2.  Bush Prays With Troops, Says Iraq Fight Is Right - 2004-04-12 *
3.  Cheney Pledges US Help in Hostage Crisis - 2004-04-12
4.  Xinhua: Iraqi Gunmen Kidnap Seven Chinese Citizens - 2004-04-12 *
5.  9-11 Commission Welcomes Release Of Intelligence Memo By White House - 2004-04-12 *


1.  Al-Jazeera: 11 Russians Kidnapped in Iraq - 2004-04-13 *
2.  Taiwanese-American Offers To Fund Vote Recount - 2004-04-13
3.  Burmese Opposition Calls For Repeal Of Oppressive Law - 2004-04-13 *
4.  Bush Continue To Defend Handling Pre 9/11 Terrorist Threat - 2004-04-13 *
5.  Iraq Hostages: 40 Foreigners from 12 Countries Held Captive by Iraqi Insurgents - 2004-04-13 *
6.  Cheney to China: US Does Not Support Independent Taiwan - 2004-04-13
7.  Burma Frees Two Senior Opposition Leaders, But Suu Kyi Still Under House Arrest - 2004-04-13 *
8.  Bush, Mubarak Back Israeli Pullout from Gaza Strip - 2004-04-13 *


1.  Mahathir Disappointed At Slow Political Reform in Burma - 2004-04-14 *
2.  Iraq Hostages: Kidnappers In Iraq Release French Journalist - 2004-04-14 *
3.  Ashcroft Defends Bush Anti-Terrorism Policy Before 9-11 Panel - 2004-04-14 *
4.  Iraqi Shi'ite Cleric Drops Conditions For Negotiations - 2004-04-14 *
5.  UN Envoy in Iraq Confident on Timetable for Caretaker Government - 2004-04-14
6.  Kofi Annan: Violence Prevents Major UN Return To Iraq - 2004-04-14 *
7.  US Forces Mass Outside Najaf - 2004-04-14 *


1.  ASEAN Chief Optimistic Burma Will Free Aung San Suu Kyi For Constitutional Talks - 2004-04-15 *
2.  Nobel Winners Urge Freedom for Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-04-15 *
3.  Palestinians Reject Bush Stance on Israeli Settlements - 2004-04-15 *
4.  Conditions in Burma and US Policy Toward Burma - 2004-04-15 *