Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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25 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Burmese Monks Reluctantly Accept Donations from Military *
2.  Japanese Mourn Death of Video Journalist in Burma *


1.  Burma's Opposition Dismisses Preconditions for Talks With Government *
2.  China Voices Opposition to UN Sanctions Against Burma *
3.  Burma Military Opens Communication with Opposition Leader *
4.  Burma Military Continues Crack Down on Karen Minority *


1.  Burma's Opposition Dismisses Preconditions for Talks With Government *
2.  Western Powers Circulate Softened UN Statement 'Deploring' Burma's Military Crackdown
3.  US First Lady Urges Burma's Military Rulers to set Aside *
4.  Former Singaporean Leader Says Burma's Generals are "Rather Dumb"
5.  IPU Demands Release Of Jailed Members Of Parliament In Burma *
6.  Jimmy Carter Calls for More International Pressure on Burma *


1.  UN Envoy to Return to Asia Amid Continuing Burma Crisis *
2.  Burmese Monks Regroup For Struggle Against Military Government *
3.  US Jewelers Urge Congress to Ban Burmese Gems *
4.  Burmese Crackdown Crushes Local Tourist Industry


1.  UN Security Council Denounces Burma's Military Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Protesters *
2.  Burma's Military Government Announces Death of Hard-Line Prime Minister *
3.  Opium Cultivation Blossoms in Burma *
4.  United Nations Security Council Reprimands Burma *


1.  Burma Rejects UN Statement Deploring Recent Crackdown
2.  Pro-Burmese Government Demonstrators Gather in Rangoon *
3.  Hard Disk Technology Wins Nobel Physics Prize *
4.  Burmese Authorities Arrest Four Prominent Activists *


1.  Burma Holds Funeral for Late PM *
2.  Burmese Govt Eases Curfew, Restores Internet in Rangoon *


1.  UN Envoy to Burma in Thailand *
2.  UN Envoy Demands Burma Stop Arresting Pro-Democracy Activists *
3.  Thai PM Proposes Regional Talks on Burma *