National School IPM

Introduction to the School IPM Model Contract

This document was designed to be used by officials working in schools, such as purchasing agents, who are responsible for procuring pest management services. This document is not designed to be used as is. It is a "model" or recommendation from which to construct a formal IPM contract. Standard contract language such as pricing, termination clauses, and certain regulatory language has been purposely excluded. Required language common to all contracts as a local policy should be inserted into this "model" before implementation. Additional assistance in creating a formal contract can be sought from professional IPM practitioners, legal consultants, and university extension professors.

The "model" contract provides a minimum standard of IPM techniques which, if followed, should provide quality pest management while minimizing risk. Local circumstances may make some practices/descriptions contained within the contract inappropriate. In such cases an IPM practitioner should be consulted to help modify contract language to make it more suitable. Many individuals participated in meetings over the last three years in an effort to draft this document. Members of the Florida School IPM Advisory Board have provided considerable input to the creation of the model contract. The list below acknowledges those individuals and others who have contributed during development of this document.

November 2001
Dr. Clay W. Scherer, University of Florida
John Cooksey, McCall's Services, Jacksonville, FL
Eric Althouse, FL Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL
Eddie Flicker, Pasco County Schools, FL
Dr. Al Greene, US General Services Administration, Washington DC
Howard Hochman, Attorney at Law, Miami, FL
Michael Holsinger, Sarasota County Cooperative Extension, FL
Dr. Phil Koehler, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Dr. Richard Kramer, American Pest Management, Tacoma Park, MD
Aliki Moncreif, L.E.A.F., Tallahassee, FL
Dr. Michael Olexa, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Dr. George Rambo, GRC Services Inc., Virginia
Richard Smith, Brevard County Schools, FL

The model contract is being provided in the hope that it can help schools across the U.S. improve their pest management programs. Suggestions for improving this document are solicited and can be directed to the Webmaster of the School IPM Web Site.


Florida School IPM

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Information for Parents
Information for Administrators
Information for Faculty and Staff
Information for Pest Managers

National School IPM Toolbox

Teacher’s Resources

Your IPM Program

Pest Vulnerable Areas
Notification Forms
Sample Letters
Sample Contracts
Sample Presentations
Newsletters (Pest Press)
Reference Books and Manuals
Certification - IPM Star Information

Common Pests

Treatment Strategies

Regulatory Information
