Archived Features
Hugh E. Montgomery
Hugh E. Montgomery named new director of the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.
– Excerpt from Excerpt from Oak Ridger
Saed Mirzadeh
Saed Mirzadeh, whose work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has led to development of new treatments for cancer and other diseases, is the recipient of the American Nuclear Society's 2007 Seaborg Medal Award.
– Excerpt from ORNL's Mirzadeh Wins Seaborg Medal Award
Luis W. Alvarez
Luis Alvarez 'developed the proton linear accelerator, patented three types of radar, designed an instrument that for 15 years served as the universal standard of length, co-discovered the hydrogen isotope tritium, and won the 1968 Nobel Prize in physics.' [5/2007]

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
The energy cycle of all living organisms involves the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which captures the chemical energy released by the metabolism of nutrients and makes it available for cellular functions such as muscle contraction and transmission of nerve messages. A hard-working human adult can convert almost a ton of ATP daily.
– Excerpt from Adenosine Triphosphate: The Energy Currency of Life [3/22/2007]
Featured Documents

Solar Energy
The sun's heat and light provide an abundant source of energy that can be harnessed in many ways. Solar power can be used in both large-scale applications and in smaller systems for the home. Businesses and industry can diversify their energy resources, improve efficiency, and save money by choosing solar technologies for heating and cooling industrial processes, electricity, and water heating. Homeowners can also use solar technologies for heating and cooling and water heating.
– Edited excerpt from Solar Energy Basics [1/8/07]
George F. Smoot
George Smoot has been awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for his "discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation". [11/20/06]
Alvin Weinberg (1915–2006)
Alvin Weinberg has been recognized for "his pioneering contributions to reactor theory, design, and systems; for untiring work to make nuclear energy serve the public good, both safely and economically; for inspiring leadership of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and for wise counsel to the executive and legislative branches of the government."
– Edited excerpt from Fermi Award, 1980 [11/6/06]