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MedWatch E-list

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MedWatch safety alerts delivered to you

  • Clinically important medical product safety alerts, delivered via e-mail

  • Concise, timely information about the drugs and devices you use, prescribe, or dispense every day, directly from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • Each e-mail contains a summary of the safety alert. When you need to know more, a hyperlink in the e-mail directs you to more detailed information

Subscribing & Unsubscribing

Subscription to the MedWatch E-list is handled by GovDelivery, a free email subscription management service.

  • Get e-mail updates Sign up for MedWatch email updates. Each email you receive will include a link to access your Subscriber Preferences.

  • You may access your Subscriber Preferences, select other FDA topics that interest you, or sign up to receive additional alerts wherever you see the envelope Get e-mail updates icon on the FDA website. Just click the icon and enter your email address. You will receive an email message whenever the information you have chosen is updated on the FDA website.

  • The E-list will automatically delete an address that appears "dead", unreachable, or nonexistant after a number of tries. If you experience any problems, contact the GovDelivery technical support staff at support@govdelivery.com.

Secure and Confidential

  • Names and e-mail addresses of MedWatch subscribers are not shared with any other organizations.

  • Your email address will only be used to deliver the information you request and to give you access to your Subscriber Preferences page, where you can add or delete subscriptions at any time.

  • MedWatch never sends attached documents in messages. Links to additional information are included in the e-mail messages.
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