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The goal in all of our programs is to foster positive attitudes about science and science activities.

Sandia National Laboratories provides innovative, science-based, systems-engineering solutions to our nation's most challenging national security problems. We are committed to "science with the mission in mind."

As a national laboratory with this mission, we are concerned about the quality of K-12 education and the declining numbers of American students who pursue science and engineering degrees. At present, there are not enough qualified math and science students in the U.S. to fulfill the future job needs for Lockheed Martin and Sandia National Laboratories...90,000 employees educated in the math, science, technology, and engineering career fields over the next 10 years. At the same time, U.S. student's math and science acumen continues to decline.This does not bode well for the U.S competitiveness in a technological and global economy.



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Adventures in Science and Knowledge


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Early Childhood Development

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or call (505) 284-5200 if you need more information.