U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

FDA Public Health Advisory: Interference Between Digital TV Transmissions and Medical Telemetry Systems

(You are encouraged to copy and distribute this Advisory)

                                 March 20,1998
To:  Director, Clinical/Biomedical Engineering
     Risk Manager
     Hospital Administrator
     Nursing Home Director

Purpose of this Advisory

FDA has recently become aware of incidents involving digital television (DTV) transmissions interfering with medical telemetry systems that use TV channels. The purpose of this Advisory is to alert you to the potential for this problem and provide recommendations for your facility. In one case the telemetry system was operating on a TV channel which had been unused for many years but had been recently re-assigned by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to a TV station in the vicinity of the hospital for DTV. The new TV signal interfered with the hospitals telemetry system and rendered it unusable. A second hospital in the same city was also affected.

Many medical telemetry devices are operated under 47 CFR Part 15 of the FCC regulations. These devices are secondary users of the radio-frequency (RF) spectrum. Licensed users such as television stations are the primary users. As a secondary user, your telemetry devices may be subject to interference from the primary user at any time, but must not cause interference with the primary user. If your telemetry devices are operating on frequencies licensed to a primary user, you need to be aware of the potential for interference and take any steps necessary to avoid device malfunctions due to interference.

Medical telemetry devices have shared the TV broadcast spectrum on channels 7-13 for many years. Last October FCC authorized the operation of medical telemetry devices on much more of the TV broadcasting spectrum. However, at this time most medical telemetry systems are still believed to operate on the original channels 7-13.

In the next six months, 10 major market areas for DTV will begin transmitting signals on previously unused channels. Although most of these first DTV stations will operate outside the channel 7-13 band, some will be broadcasting within that band. Many more DTV stations will be on line by 2003 and could begin transmitting at any time. The latest information on which channels have been allocated to TV stations is listed by geographic location in an FCC table of allotments. This table can be found on the FCC website by going to www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/ News_Releases/1998/nret8002.html (this address is upper/lower case sensitive), then selecting DTV Table of Allotments (view in either WordPerfect version or Acrobat version to see table headings). Facilities using medical telemetry systems should consult this table to determine the channel allotments for TV stations in their area.


To address potential interference problems for medical telemetry systems, FDA recommends that you work with the manufacturer of your telemetry systems to:

If your telemetry systems are transmitting on channels that are scheduled to be used by a local station, you should work with the manufacturer of your telemetry systems to:

If you find that your telemetry systems are transmitting on channels that will remain unused, you should not have a problem due to DTV transmissions. However, you should periodically check the FCC allotments to assure that those channels remain available.

Reporting Adverse Events to FDA

The Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (SMDA) requires hospitals and other user facilities to report deaths and serious illnesses and injuries associated with the use of medical devices. Thus, if interference with a medical device results in a death or serious injury, it must be reported. We request that you follow the procedures established by your facility for such mandatory reporting.

If a telemetry system fails to function due to electromagnetic interference or any other reason, it is a device malfunction. Such malfunctions should be reported to the manufacturer or can be reported directly to MedWatch, the FDA's voluntary reporting program. Submit these reports to MedWatch: by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by FAX at 1-800-FDA-0178, or by mail to MedWatch, Food and Drug Administration, HF-2, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

Getting More Information

If you have any questions regarding this Advisory which are related to FDA issues, please contact Nancy Pressly, CDRH, Office of Surveillance and Biometrics, HFZ-510, 1350 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, FAX 301-594-2968, or e-mail nap@cdrh.fda.gov.

For additional information regarding FCC issues, please contact Julius P. Knapp, FCC, Office of Engineering and Technology, 1919 M Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20554, FAX 202-418-1944, or e-mail jknapp@fcc.gov.

Additional copies of this Advisory can be found on the FDA webpage at www.fda.gov/cdrh/safety.html. Further information regarding electromagnetic interference and medical devices can be found on our EMC webpage at www.fda.gov/cdrh/emc/index.html. If interested in receiving Safety Alerts, Public Health Advisories and other FDA medical device safety notices by e-mail when they are released, subscribe to our listserver. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to fdalists@archie.fda.gov. In the text of the e-mail, put: subscribe dev-alert.

Sincerely yours, D. Bruce Burlington, M.D. Director Center for Devices and Radiological Health

March 25, 1998

Joint Statement of the Federal Communications Commission and the Food and Drug Administration Regarding Avoidance of Interference Between Digital Television and Medical Telemetry Devices

Certain medical telemetry devices, such as cardiac monitors, are allowed to use TV broadcast channels that are unoccupied in their geographic area. However, television stations are now beginning to use these formerly unoccupied TV channels as they transition to digital television service. When this occurs, the digital signal may interfere with medical telemetry systems. Such cases of interference have occurred recently and fortunately no patients were significantly affected. The Federal Communications Commission and the Food and Drug Administration are taking steps to avert such cases of interference in the future.

Medical telemetry devices have long shared the TV broadcast spectrum on a secondary basis. This sharing can continue during the implementation of digital television. However, it is important to ensure that broadcasters, the health care community and manufacturers of medical devices have adequate information and take appropriate steps to avoid radio frequency interference.

The FCC and the FDA are taking the following actions to address interference to medical telemetry devices:

Federal Communications Commission:

Food and Drug Administration:

Joint FCC & FDA:


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