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Security Initiatives

The threat of terrorism and heightened concerns regarding security are bringing about significant changes to international trade. “K” Line America gives a high priority to security and has traditionally supported industry and government efforts to improve supply chain security. “K” Line America has been a long time member of the Carrier Initiative Program (CIP), and moved quickly to become C-TPAT certified and validated. In addition, we are a member of the World Shipping Council (WSC), a Washington , D.C. based trade association representing over 40 liner shipping companies. Through WSC, the liner industry has cooperated closely with the US government to provide critical feedback and develop effective supply chain security initiatives.

“K” Line has developed a Global Security Team drawing members from key locations in Asia and Europe . We ensure high standards of operational security by reviewing and updating our security programs regularly and by working with our customers, intermodal transportation partners, marine terminals and ship managers to improve security awareness.

“K” Line is proud to participate and take an active role against the war on terrorism by ensuring a more secure supply chain. We look forward to continuing to work with Customs, our customers and our service providers to ensure the utmost practical methods of security are implemented.


Security Requirements:


International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS)

In December 2002, the United Nations' International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. The initiatives are the foundation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) effective July 2004, which mainly consists of amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention. “K” Line's vessel fleet for liner, car and bulk services and terminals utilized are in compliance with ISPS. For more information on ISPS please refer to IMO's website.


Carrier Initiative Program (CIP)

Over 3,800 land, sea and air carriers participate in this long-standing cooperative program with US Customs and Border Protection, which focuses on the prevention of drug smuggling. “K” Line has been a member of CIP since 1985. For more information about CIP please refer to CIP on the CBP website.


Container Security Initiative (CSI)

In January 2002 U.S. Customs and Border Protection launched CSI, a government to government initiative designed to identify and pre-screen high-risk containers destined for shipment into the U.S. Under CSI, teams of CBP officials are deployed at ports around the world. Early on, CSI focused on implementing the program at the top 20 foreign ports which ship approximately two thirds of the volume of containers to the U.S. As the program expands, CBP is expanding the program based on volume, location and strategic concerns. For more information on CSI refer to CSI on the CBP website.


Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

On July 22, 2002, “K” Line made the commitment to U.S. Customs Service by signing the Agreement to Voluntarily Participate in Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). “K” Line submitted our Executive Summary to U.S. Customs on September 24, 2002 regarding our business operations and how they relate to C-TPAT requirements. We are happy to announce that U.S. Customs advised “K” Line on November 15, 2002 that we have successfully completed the process and are now considered full C-TPAT members and we have received the U.S. Customs signed returned Agreement. Our official Customs Certification can be viewed on this site for your convenience and confirmation of "K" Line's official partnership. Additionally, in July 2004, “K” Line successfully completed its C-TPAT validation.

In March of 2006, after CBP announced the revised sea carrier security criteria, we modified our C-TPAT program and placed all of our security criteria onto CBP's secure web portal well in advance of the CBP deadline.

While, our security details cannot be distributed as they contains proprietary information, you can be assured that “K” Line is committed to the C-TPAT security recommendations and we require the same awareness, commitment and participation from our partners and service providers to continue to strive towards enhancing the integrity of security procedures in the supply chain.

Customs and Boarder Patrol C-TPAT Department is quoted as stating"… that we must not compromise our security process by providing detailed information to customers or other entitles seeking background. Importers or other customers seeking information for their C-TPAT applications need only provide the carrier name and whether the carrier participates in the C-TPAT program or not." Therefore, "K" Line supports Customs and Border Patrol's assertions, and cannot, as a matter of policy make public the security questionnaire submitted to USCS, and will refrain from responding to other security questionnaire/documents as prepared by other entities.

For more information regarding C-TPAT, please see the links on www.kline.com below:

AND/OR the Customs Border Patrol website links below:


Bioterrorism Act (BTA)

The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (Bioterrorism Act) was passed to enhance the safety of the U.S.'s food and drug supply. BTA, administered by the U.S. Drug and Food Administration (FDA), includes security requirements for importation of food and drugs. For further information please refer to the FDA's website.


New Customer Screening

“K” Line has implemented a security screening procedure for any first time, unknown shipper with “K” Line to whom “K” Line will issue a Bill of Lading.

All first time shippers will be asked to complete and return a “K” Line Customer Profile – New Shipper Questionnaire. The local “K” Line office, supported by members of “K” Line's Global Security Team, will evaluate and screen each new shipper. This security screening process may be escalated and extended based on a dynamic risk assessment model.

In cases where some doubt about the legitimacy of a shipper con not be alleviated, bookings from that shipper would only be taken subject to the following provisions:

  1. The new shipper is advised that the entire shipment will be surveyed at the port and at the shipper's expense, prior to loading.
  2. Local Customs and CBP will be notified about the incomplete shipper verification and about the pending shipment.


Container Seal Ruless

Where local custom dictates that the carrier provide the security seal, “K” Line always supplies high security seals as per ISO guidelines (ISO/PAS 17712, Freight Containers, Mechanical Seals), adopted May 2003. “K” Line has procedures in place to ensure the safe dispensing of these seals. Our standard seal is the EJ Brooks Intermodal II seal. Select here for the Brooks Seals website.

It is “K” Line's standard procedure and expectation that all loaded containers bound for North America will have a high security seal (meeting or exceeding ISO 17712 standards) attached prior to being delivered to the first marine terminal overseas. In the event that a container is delivered without a high security seal “K” line will affix a high security seal and will charge the customer for this service.

Please note our rules, as filed in our respective FMC Rules Tariffs, for each our trades:

Brooks Seal Link

Container Seal Specifications


Red Border


Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008 by
"K" Line America, Inc.

8730 Stony Point Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235