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If your institution is located in one of the countries listed below, and is a not-for-profit academic, research or government institution, you may be eligible to join AGORA (check eligibility). Please register by completing this form. Only one registration is required per institution

Once we receive your registration, we will issue a common username and password for the use of all staff at your institution. The password will be sent to your institution's director and to the chief librarian, whose emails are requested in the form below. Should your institution not have a librarian, we will send the username, password and instructions for access to the journals to your director. The password SHOULD be shared with students, faculty and staff at your institution. It should NOT be shared outside your institution. See the AGORA User Agreement.

If you are a member of a university or professional school, your institution might already be registered with AGORA. Please check our list of Registered Universitites/Professional Schools before registering. If you find your institution's name in the list, please contact your institution's librarian for your AGORA user name, password and access instructions.

Country (must be on list to participate in AGORA)
Type of Institution
Institution name in full
Institution address City
Institution telephone Fax
Country Code  City Code  Website
Describe briefly your institution and its activities
To which consortia does your library belong?
Your name   Your e-mail*
* Must be correct for us to send you the registration details
Your position Your department
Librarian name (main contact)   Librarian's e-mail
Institution Director name (official contact)   Director's e-mail
* The password will be sent to your institution's Librarian/Director.
Computer department contact name (technical contact)   Computer department e-mail
How did you find out about AGORA?

Registration Check - Please type in the box below the 5 characters (numbers/letters) you see in the picture above:

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