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Memo from B. Lipscomb (CBFWA) to B. Booth (NPCC) & G. Delwiche (BPA) Requesting Final Review/Comment on the Status of Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Columbia River Basin (SOTR) Draft Report (Third Edition)


BELFAIR, WA — The Pacific Northwest Salmon Center today announced that it has finalized the acquisition of 90 acres along the Union River near Hood Canal in Mason County, Washington. For more information go to:


NOAA-Fisheries Comments on 9/2/08 NPCC Draft Program - Submitted on 12/1/2008


12/1/2008 Final - All Signatures Collected 12/29/08 - Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Tribes of CBFWA Comments on 9/2/08 NPCC Draft Program - Submitted on 12/1/2008


NPCC letter to BPA concerning Council's decisions regarding within-year requests, for the fourth quarter of FY 2008, for certain projects proposed for Bonneville funding.


NPCC request for comments due by 12/3/08: The Council has developed a preliminary report on the implementation indicators available for fish and wildlife using information from the PISCES database. Access document at


Summary Report from the September 24, 2008 Predation Workshop held to address predation on juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River Basin by non-native predatory fish.


NPCC Letter to NOAA Fisheries Re: Mitchell Act Funding - On Oct. 17, 2008 the F&W Committee reviewed the schedule and timeframe associated with the funding adjustment requests for the fourth quarter of FY 2008.


The NPCC is seeking comments on its preliminary draft forecast of fuel prices for the Sixth Power Plan. Council Document 2008-13 - Details at


CBFWA Comments to the U.S. Department of Interior's Proposed Changes to the Endangered Species Act

Search CBFWA Archives for previous posting and correspondence.