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Continuing Education

Accredited by California DPR and California and Arizona Certified Crop Advisers:

(New Course)

Nutrient Management in Key California Crops

This online CEU course offers a detailed look at the nutrient management in key California crops. It is sponsored online by Western Plant Health Association and funded by a grant from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Fertilizer Research and Protection Program (FREP). It is accredited for one (1)-hour of credit by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for California Pest Control Advisers (PCA), Private Applicators, Qualified Applicators and Aerial Applicators. The course is also accredited for 3 units in Nutrient Management (NM) for California and Arizona Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs).

Accredited in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Washington and for Certified Crop Advisers:

(New Course)
Organic/Sustainable Agricultural Production in the West

Organic/sustainable agriculture is expanding rapidly in the U.S. with an average annual increase of 20% during the last 15 years. This course covers a wide range of pests and organic control strategies. It is accredited for up to 4 continuing education hours for PCAs and Applicator Licensees in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. It is also approved for Certified Crop Adviser credit.


(New Course)
Managing Spray Drift to Minimize Problems

This online spray drift management course has been certified by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Washington Department of Agriculture for 2 hours of credit for licensed Applicators and Consultants in Oregon and Washington.


Almond Pest Management

Get the latest info on almond insect pest management and earn 2 hrs. CE DPR and CCA credit in California.

California Groundwater Protection Regulations

Earn 2 hrs. in California laws and regs CE and learn how to protect California groundwater supplies.

Disease Management in California Almonds

Managing diseases in California almond production is a year-long process. This course provides the latest information on controlling these diseases with management practices and fungicides. The course is approved for 2 CEUs by DPR for PCAs and all applicator categories and California CCAs.

Powdery Mildew Control in California Grapevines

Learn about the No. 1 grape disease in California; earn 2 California CE hours.


The Role of Copper in Disease Control

Copper has long been a key tool in disease control in a many crops. This 2-CEU course accredited California PCAs and all DPR applicator categories and Arizona applicators details how best to use copper to maximize its potential.

Insecticide Resistance Management in Agronomic and Row Crops

A 3-hr. CE approved for California and Arizona licensees and CCAs in both states.

Agronomic Weed Resistance Management in Row Crops, Trees Nuts and Vines

Weeds Resistance Management is approved for 3 hours of CE credit for all California and Arizona licensees and Certified Crop Advisers.

Lepidopterous Pest Management/ Pesticide Safety

This course is approved for 2 hours in Arizona and California (1 hr. of laws/regs; 1 hour Other) and for CCAs.

Managing Spray Drift to Minimize Problems

2-hrs laws and regs for California licensees; 2 hours in Arizona and for CCAs.

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