Mycorrhiza Literature ExchangeDepartment of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee
Directory  |  Article abstracts  |  Water relations bibliography  |  Books  |  Reviews  |  Theses/Dissertations  |  About this site  |  Links


last update:  September 2008

last update:  11 August 2008

 Search tool notice: the search tool hasn't worked on this site for several months. Now it is fixed. Give it a try! For instance, a search of cadmium now returns ~102 hits. A search of "Lactarius deliciosus", 28 hits.
                                                                                                                                                   08 May 2007

Search tips

bulletThe MIE has become the MLE: Mycorrhiza Literature Exchange. I will continue to post monthly literature updates, and as I become aware of them, mycorrhizal books, reviews, theses and dissertations (if you send
       me citations for these, I will be happy to post them). I will also continue a mycorrhizal water relations

 On 6 April 2006, I transferred the the International Directory of Mycorrhizologists to Yolande Dalpé,
André Fortin, Peter Moutoglis and Stéphane Chretien, who have been working hard to formally establish
        the IMS. You can now send your directory information to the IMS organizational committee:

 New URL for the International Directory of Mycorrhizologists (IDM):

The MLE is hosted by
Department of Plant Sciences  |  Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station  |  University of Tennessee


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